chapter three

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The day was finally over and I'm gonna be able to spend some time with my best friends.

I haven't hung out with all of them together without their boyfriends ever since winter break and I was so excited to finally reconnect with them.

"So, do you guys want to get slurpees from 7-eleven before we head out to Brianna's house?" Alexia suggested.

"Yeah, can you guys get me a slurpee? I'm gonna go to the front gate of my house to go wait for Sara to come."

Brianna hands me a dollar and walks away to the other direction.

"Who's paying for Sara's drink...?"

Alexia and me look at each and we both know what we're about to say next.

"NOT IT!" Alexia screams before I do and starts jogging to 7-eleven.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Worst day ever.. I'm so broke, I can't even afford her drink.."

"Sucks for youuuu!"

We walk into 7-eleven and I managed to somehow find 4 quarters in the bottom of my backpack.

After buying the slurpees, Alexia and I walked to Brianna's and talked about our first day at school.

"Yeah, Our math teacher passed out candy for everyone! It was the sweetest thing ever."

"Well, you're lucky. All my teachers started working on the first damn day."

We finally see Brianna and Sara and start walking faster.



Everyone starts making themselves feel comfortable at Brianna's.

Sara starts looking through the fridge for some food and Alexia flips through the movies to see what movie we should watch.

"Brianna, I'm gonna use your bathroom.."

I don't think she heard me because she was too busy screaming at Sara to not go through the fridge and steal her food. I left anyways because she wouldn't mind me going to the bathroom.

Her house was basically our second home.

I really needed to relax for a bit and not stress out because today was a really bad day for me and I need to calm down.

I turn on the sink, splash water on my face, and go use the guest towel to clean off the water off my face.

I felt a strange presence in the room so I thought Brianna or the others walked in.

I turn around and was about to scream on the top of my lungs but the person covers my mouth with their hands.

"Shh, you can't scream or they'll get mad." She takes her hand off my face and looks down.

"Brianna said that no one can know I exist so please don't tell anyone about me. Not even Brianna.. please."

"Who are you..?"

She was wearing a white see-through shirt so I could see her red bra peeking through, but most of it was covered by the leather jacket she had on.

She had on fishnet leggings underneath her ripped black skinny jeans and wore some high-top classic converse.

Her long brown curls rested perfectly on top of her chest and she had the most beautiful sparkling hazel eyes.

She sure was really hot.

"Now you know who I am. Please don't tell anyone who I am, I am begging you!"

I guess I was too focused on how she looked that I didn't really pay attention to what she was saying.

She was probably one of Brianna's family members or something so it wasn't really important to know who she was.

"Oh, okay. Uhrm, were you in this bathroom the whole time? That's kinda creepy, what if I was peeing?"

"No, I just came in when you were washing your face."

I swear I didn't hear the door open behind me, but whatever.

"Well, I'll be going back now."

I walk back outside and see Brianna and the others all laying on the couch eating chicken wings and watching some chick-flick.

"Hey guys, I'm back! make some space for meee"

"You seem to be in the bathroom for a really long time. Please tell me you didn't take a shit in my bathroom.."

Brianna looks at me until I answer her question.

"Uh nope, I just bumped into someone on the way.."

We all squish together on one couch and begin watching the movie.

I wanted to ask about that chick from the bathroom, but she told me not to mention her to anyone, even Brianna.


We all kept watching movies until it got really dark and Alexia had to leave. So, it was Sara and me left.

Sara's parents were almost here so I was the last one left at Brianna's.

"I'm gonna go use the bathroom really quick, Sara if your parents come, you can just walk out."

Brianna walks to the bathroom and Sara's phone starts ringing.

"Yep, that's my mom. Well it was nice seeing you ducky, we gotta hang out again!!" Sara hugs me and walks out the door.

I close the door and turn around and the girl from the bathroom is sitting on the couch now.

"Holy fuck! You scared me.. What are you doing out here, I thought Brianna can't know that I know you're here."

"Brianna's in the bathroom right now so it'll be a while before she comes out. So ducky, you think I'm hot huh?"

She plays around with her long nails and looks at me when she says my name.

I start getting anxious.

Did she realize I wasn't paying attention to her words in the bathroom? Was it that obvious that I thought she was pretty..

She begins to laugh, "I'm kidding, I just wanted to know what you thought of me since you kept staring at me in the bathroom.."

Fuck fuck fuck.

My phone begins to ring and I look out Brianna's window to see if my parents are downstairs.

I see my mom waving at me to come down and as I was about to turn around and say goodbye to the pretty girl, she was gone.

"Huh? That's weird.."

Brianna walks out of the bathroom and says her goodbyes to me and I leave the house.

I still don't even know the girl's name..


i finally introduced herrrr yay! The next chapter is gonna be about Ducky seeing her around school and we'll finally get to know her better! Hope you liked this chapter :-)

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