«Enemy! Fukase x Reader» Maybe you aren't so bad..

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(first X reader I've ever written :')) )
-(y/n) POV-
Today was just a typical day for me,nothing out of the ordinary at all. I was just walking to the movie theater, until I see him.
His name is Fukase,but I hate him with every single fiber of my body. Why did I ever have to encounter him? He always acts like he's the coolest kid ever, But he isn't. HoweverHim being the cheeky asshole he is, He came up to me.

"Going to the movie theater I see?" He says in his typical annoying voice.
"And why would you care?" I question him with an eyebrow raised.
"Well,it just so happens that I accidentally bought an extra ticket to (whatever movie you want). Wanna come with me?" He asks. He's probably planning something,but I can't quite put my finger on it.
"Hah, You wish!' I say in a mocking tone.
"Pleeeease (y/n)? I promise you'll have fun!" He begged.

"Fine,if it'll get you to stop bothering me!" I say in an aggravated tone. "Well bitch,what should we buy to eat?' He Annoyingly says. "Hey! I thought you weren't going to say things like that!" I angrily shouted. This. Little. Fucker. He starts laughing. "Okay, Okay, I'm sorry!". When we finally get there after what seemed like years of fighting,we went to go buy some stuff to eat during the movie. 'So? What do you want?' He asks me. "I'll have a soda and some nachos." I say,placing my money on the counter. "And I'll have some popcorn,some nachos and a little bit of candy."  he said,practically slamming 10 dollars on the counter,making me jump a little.

When we got our food and get into the place where the movie shows,He has the Fucking Nerve to say "Well,bitch,where should we sit?". "Well,I'll sit far away from you." I shot back at him with a glare. "Nonsense!" He replies in that cheeky little tone of his. He grabs my hand and takes me to the far back of the theater. "Best seat in the house!" he smirks. "Yeah,whatever" I say as I roll my eyes. "Hey,you should be feeling lucky! I hardly ever bring any girl here!" He Exclaimed,trying to make a point. I blew a hair out of my face and said "Like you bring any girls here,you're too busy watching hentai" I laugh. He ignores that comment and waits for the movie to start.

When the movie finally started,I couldn't help but notice how lazy the costumes were. 'Oh my god,one sleeve is a lot shorter then the other.' I said aloud. "Shhh!" People in the audience say as I role my eyes. I could've sworn I saw Fukase flipping then off from the corner of my eye. What's his problem?

After a while, I start to realize how lazy the story is,too. But apparently,Fukase notices too,because he whispers "How the fuck is that dude gonna start talking shit about how much of an asshole his mom is when she made him a whole buffet. Spoiled little fucker." Not gonna lie,I giggled a bit at that line. That's got to be the funniest thing I heard though out this whole week. It's surprising that it came from someone like Fukase. You know,maybe he isn't so bad. He's kind of cute,actually. Wait,what am I thinking? I know I didn't just think that about him.

An hour into the movie,I start to get kind of sleepy,so I unknowingly fall asleep on Fukase's shoulder. However,while I was asleep, the asshole puts my head on his lap. I didn't quite realize where I was until he shouted 'Wake up,lazy bitch.". when the lights went on and everyone was leaving. "You'd better be grateful that I'm still a little sleepy" I remind him. He just laughs and says "Well,you didn't finish your food,wanna eat at my place? It'll be fun!~". "That's what you said about this and I fell asleep." I informed him since it was something he obviously didn't notice. "Hey! I didn't know how boring the movie would be! Come on, Please?" He asks,once again. "Fine." I hesitantly agree.

On the walk to his house we actually start getting to know each other?  It was weird but kind of nice. We got to know each other's favorite foods,things, and love life. "So who are you crushing on, (y/n)?" He asks. "No one at them moment,actually." I answer. Why would he care? Oh well,whatever. But I swear I could see the smallest little smile on his face. I take this chance to ask "Well,since you asked me,who are you crushing on,asshole?". "Same as you." He says. "I doubt it." I Say,trying to mock that cheeky voice of him. "Well who do you think I'm crushing on,Bitch?" He angrily replied. I swear I saw the smallest blush on his angry little face. "No one,I just doubt that statement since you always flirt on people." I stated. "The only people I flirt on are cute people!" He practically shouts. "Like anyone cute would hang out with you." I refuted. "Well,you're hanging out with me,aren't you?" The asshole said. Hold on. What. Did he seriously flirt with me. I have a feeling this is what he was planning. "H-Hey! You set this whole thing up just so you could flirt with me!" I angrily said with a hopefully unnoticeable blush on my face. "Maybe I did,maybe I didn't" He answered as he stuck his tongue out. One day I will slap him. One day..

When we got to his house,I was shocked. the house wasn't as dirty as I expected it to be. Yeah,there were some empty soda cans on the floor,but for the most part it was pretty clean. the house has a lot of red stuff, too. As I put my food down on the table,he turns on the T.V. "What would you like to watch?" He asks. "Watch what you want,I could not care less." I sigh as I eat my nachos. "Well,you are the guest,after all. I insist!" He says. Hmm,that's not like him. "Fine,turn on (favorite channel)" I decide. He turns it on,while I watch. He opens his mouth to ask "Why do you like this stuff,anyways (y/n)?" "Because it's interesting and I like it." I stated with a blank expression on my face. "Oh well,if a pretty girl like you likes it,I guess I should like it too." He flirted. "Hey! Cut it out!" I screamed,while throwing a nacho in his hair.

"Hey! I'm trying to be nice and you throw stuff in my hair?!" He exclaims. "Flirting isn't exactly my idea of 'nice'." I point out to him. "And I think more people see it as 'desperate' then 'nice'.". After I said that, I threw some more nachos at him. "Stop it!" He
says. He starts trying to block it but then I come over to him and start tickling him! I still wonder why I chose to,but oh well,it was fun. Fukase couldn't stop laughing! "Hey! Stop! It tickles!" He exclaims in between laughs. "Of course it does you fucking idiot!" I state while I start to tickle him harder. When I take /one/ second to breath, he gets on top of me and starts tickling me. Darn it! I should've expected this to happen. "Hey! It tickles!" I say. He sarcastically replies with "Of course it does,you fucking idiot!" after he tickles me for a while,he lays on top of me. "Oh boy,today was fun,wasn't it (y/n)?" he remarks. "Yeah,I guess it was." I answer to him. He then goes "You know what would make this even better?". When I ask what,he pretty much surprises me by kissing me. On the lips. When he kissed me I was really shocked but I kissed back for reasons not even I know.

When we pulled away, He apologized. "Oh my,I'm sorry! I didn't know what got into me,and the moment was kind of nice,and-". But before he could finish his sentence, I cut him off by saying "It's fine,don't apologize. I wouldn't have kissed back I wasn't okay with it,would I?". "Well,I guess you're right. Should we do this again tomorrow" He finger guns at me. "Sure,I have nothing better to do."

"See you next time,bitch!" He farewells me. "You too,you fucking asshole." I wave as I walked to the door. "Wait,I forgot to tell you something!" He said when he grabbed my shoulder. "What is it now?" I asked. He inhales for a long period of time before he says "I've kind of liked you for a long time but I have no idea how to express my feelings so I insulted you I'm sorry.",But I didn't quite hear him clearly. "..What?" I asked. "Oh,nothing." He answers with a small blush on his face. "Alright then,I'll be on my way." I say as I walk out of the door. I could hear the faintest screams of happiness from there. That little dork.
aaa I actually. finished this. I've been writing for the whole day you do not u n d e r s t a n d. but I hope you enjoyed! it was my first time writing something like this so please leave your critiques in the comments uwu

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