four// daryl dixon

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"You're beginning to drag the ones you love down,
will this phase ever end"

Alex walked out of the Greene house and noticed Rick, Shane, Daryl and a couple others she couldn't remember huddled around the blue car. She was surprised to see Daryl out of bed already with the bandage removed from his head, he looked like he sustained some pretty serious injuries.
Last night a couple of the group members, along with Alex and Maggie sat around the campfire, talking and enjoying this time while it lasted. Alex met more people and was starting to enjoy the company of this small group.
She fell in love with Rick's son, Carl. He was such a sweetheart, so pure and so curious. Its like he didn't have a care in the world really, but he was just a child. It gave her light in this dark world, that he could stay so bright and carefree. He made her think that maybe there were some good in this new world.

Alex started making her way towards the people around the car, she was on a mission for her uncle. Once she reached the group they all stopped in the middle of their sentences and looked up, wanting to know what she wanted.
"Whats goin on?" She asked glancing at Rick.

"Just plannin search groups for Sophia,Daryls going alone, we have about 3 groups." He paused "You can join if you want...if your uncle is alright with it of course." Rick offered.

Alex learnt a lot last night, like how Sophia went missing, how Carl was shot, why Daryl was injured and even how one of her old family friends, Otis, died. They informed her about the events at the CDC and how Rick found Lori and Carl again, that part really made Alex happy. Rick has gone through anything anyone could imagine and is still going strong.

"Ahh well Hershel said that Daryl shouldn't be out there, alone that is, because he is still recovering and has asked me for a sweet favour" At the mention of his name, Daryl shot up to look at the woman he remembered from last night.

What does she want now? He thought to himself.

"He wants Daryl to go out there and find our horse, the one that he took the other day . Its ok, shes ran away before, she doesn't go too far." She paused and with a look of disappointment, continued. "But he cant go alone, so I gotta go out there too, with him, fortunately" she said sarcastically, a smirk plastered on her lips.

"Ok, thats fine, we can split a group, it may work out better" explained Shane, glancing at Rick.

"No one asked if I was ok with this?" Daryl interrupted, not impressed and standing tall to try and intimidate his way through.

"Its the least you can do Daryl, I mean, you took my uncles horse, without asking-and kinda lost her" Alex quirked and gave the man another sarcastic smile.

"And I have to go with you? Nah princess, I'll go by myself if anything" Daryl replied. Rick looked at Daryl, at Alex then back at Daryl watching the conversation unfold.

"Daryl, have you ever caught a horse before?" Alex asked.

"No" He replied bluntly, "I'll work it out" He folded his arms.

"Look it ain't simple, and if you spook her off more my uncle won't be impressed, especially if right now ya all trying to convince him to let you people stay,so I'm coming, no buts dipshit" Alex told the man and glared at him.

She almost regretted it, I mean alone, with an always angry redneck? This was going to be fun.

"Okay, well I'm glad thats sorted, lets head out then shall we" Rick ordered, not wanting to stand and argue all day. Daryl didn't try to protest anymore and just went with the plan. Alex looked back and nodded towards Daryl to follow her, ignoring his hateful stares.

princess// daryl dixonWhere stories live. Discover now