six// carol peletier

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"The monsters will come, and you won't be able to run when they come for you. The ones out there, they will tear you apart and eat you up all while you're still alive"

Yesterday's events left everyone tongue tied. It was only early morning on the farm and so many thoughts were already rushing through Alex's head as she laid in her bed, staring at the roof. She felt so bad for the little girls mum, Carol. Alex knows that if she was in her shoes right now she would be completely broken. She does understand what Carol is feeling right now. To loose something that meant the whole universe to you.

Also, now that they have found Sophia, Hershel has more of a reason to get the group off his farm as fast as he could. Alex, even after all that happened still believes its a stupid scheme to push them back out there so she has planned to have a conversation with her uncle, hoping he would listen to her worries at least.

Yesterday afternoon was draining. Maggie was keeping Beth company making sure she was okay as she did loose a significant family member. Hershel stayed in his room not coming out for anything, Alex didn't see him for the rest of the night. The group stood their distance not wanting to make anything worse. Alex hoped they felt some what bad for how they acted, especially Shane. The scene she had between him kept playing through her head like an unwanted movie. Alex sat up in her tree until she was getting tired and decided to head to bed. She was writing in her journal she kept around in her backpack. She only found it a couple weeks after the outbreak started in a 50 cent store. It was leather brown, thick full of pages and had a beautiful gold tree printed in the middle of the cover. She thought that after all this, after the world has rebuilt itself and the dead no longer would walk, that someone would find it somewhere with everything that has happened written in it. She writes in it at least once every week,  jotting down events that may help future historians, keeping them updated on any changes, any rumours of a cure. So far, nothing. It was also a way she kept track of time.

Alex looked out the bedroom window and saw most of Rick's crew up already. With a sigh she made her way to her bathroom and changed out of her ragged clothing and replaced them with a different pair of ragged clothing. She guided her brush through her thick black hair and left it down to hang by the side of her face, her favourite way to "style" it. Making her way down stairs she started making two coffees, for herself and for her uncle. She felt as if she should leave him alone, but she at least needs to try to make him change his mind about his guests. Maybe they could come up with a way where both parties can live together in agreement . Rick's group could be helpful to this farm and could put in to make it safe and productive.

It was quiet in the house, she assumed Maggie and Beth were still sleeping and her uncle. Alex was contemplating letting him sleep longer but if she waits too long he might kick them off while she's not around. She needs to talk to her uncle before Rick or anyone else says anything that agitates him. That also reminded her that she's on horse duty today and needs to feed them, she will do that after her chat with Hershel.

As Alex reached for a carrot resting on the counter a loud bang, obviously a gun, ringed through the farm. Alex put down everything and ran towards the front door.

I thought Hershel said no guns! Thought Alex.

As she stepped outside she saw no walkers or dead people but she did see Rick and the rest looking as confused as she was feeling. Not only was Alex feeling confused, but also worried that no one else knew where it came from. It could've been something bad, maybe everything is ok but she needed to find out for her uncles sake. She sped walked towards Rick by the camp, wanting answers.

princess// daryl dixonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant