The Pain of Happiness (ch.1)

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Aaron's P.O.V.

Two Years Ago

I sat down slowly on my bed, trying to ignore the burning in my ribs. I looked up again, double checking to make sure I had locked my door. I breathed a small breath of relief as I saw that I had. I dragged myself across the bed so that my back was against the wall and I could keep my eyes on the door. I watched the door for hours, listening to the shouting coming from downstairs, wanting to just close my eyes and ignore it, but past experiences had proven that that was a very bad idea.

After the screaming died down some I heard the front door slam and soft footsteps made their way up the stairs. They paused at my door, and my already shallow breathing stopped altogether when I saw the door handle jiggle.

"Aaron," my mom called softly from the other side of the door. "Aaron, let me in."

I stayed silent and scrunched my eyes shut. I'm asleep, go away. I'm asleep, go away. I chanted to myself in my head until I registered the sound of the footsteps moving away again, heading back downstairs.

I watched the clock flip to 4:03 before finally drifting off to sleep.


Present Day

I jolted awake with a start. As I turned to look at the clock, I clutched at my ribs as they ached with the phantom pain of past injuries. I almost laughed when I saw what time it was. 4:03 in the morning. I grimaced instead and rolled out of bed to take a shower. My mom had finally kicked my dad out that night. It had been the worst beating he'd given me yet. I ended up with a broken wrist, three broken ribs and a fractured jaw. I didn't go to the hospital for three days, beccause that was how long it had taken my mom to find a way to get in my room past the lock.

She made herself go to AA meetings and went cold turkey from smoking. She got a job and we moved states. She tried to send me to a therapist but I never spoke to the woman. I just sat there for the hour long period during which she asked me stupid questions, which I in turn never answered. I just sat there looking at her fidget when I said nothing.

After three months of that my mom stopped sending me to her. I don't even know what her name was.

I go to a different school now. I have no friends. I don't speak to anyone unless it is absolutely nessessary. And I prefer it like that. Otherwise people ask questions, and I answered enough of those.

I shook my head to shake out the extra water, as I stepped out of the shower, hoping the depressing thoughts would go with it.

After I was finished showering and eating breakfast, it was still only 5:30. I don' t have to leave until ten to seven, but I'm used to being up before everyone else. And by everyone else, I mean my mom.

I pulled out my sketch book and pencil, and began to draw whatever came to mind.

"Aaron!" I jumped and spun around to see my mom standing behind me with her hands on her hips. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was five to seven. I was officially late for school. Again.

I jumped up off the couch, stuffed my sketch book in my bag, glanced at my mom and ran out the door.

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(A/N) K. so that was my first chapter. ya it was total shit don't rub it in.   -.-   if u do i will send an army of evil ninjas to get u. :)

also.... this is A) my first story published on Wattpad and B) my first boyxboy EVER! 

and i promise it will get better in the next couple chapters. plz dont give up on me!!!

-.- ..........mmmmmmmm........................lucky charms...................

0.0 peace

The Pain of Happiness (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now