The Pain of Happiness (ch.2)

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Aaron's P.O.V.

I walked out of the school after detention.

It was 5:30 in the afternoon and I had just walked out of my own personnal hell. Also more commonly known as school. The teacher had yelled at me for being late, gave me a detention, then gave me the stink eye for the rest of class. I had just nodded and sat in my seat, not bothering to say anything. Why bother, when nobody listened anyways.

I didn't want to go home and be bothered by my mother. She worked night shifts at the hospital so she was always home when I got there. Ever since she kicked dad out she tried overly hard to be a good mother. She seemed to think she could by my affection, and therefore never paid any attention to me other than to give me a new present or money or something else like that.

She thought she knew me. She didn't. Not at all. I f she knew me, she would have known that I leave the house whenever I want to get away, and sometimes don't come back until the next day. If she knew me, she would have known that I am completely, clinically depressed. She would know that I am paranoid to the point that no one can touch me without me freaking out. All in all, she didn't know me.

I pulled out my iPod and pluged the headphones in. I turned it on and started playing Black Veil Brides, hoping to drown my feelings in the music. I pulled my hood up and started walking.

I stood up when it finally got dark enough that the street lights had turned on. I had walked for about half an hour before stopping at this little park. The play ground equipment was all rusty and didn't look safe for anybody to be playing on and there was graffiti on everything. There was garbage blowing around and it looked like nobody had come here for years. In other words, it was perfect. I walked over to old swing set that was rusty and had peeling blue paint. I tugged a couple of times on the chains, making sure they would hold my weight, before sitting down and slowly moved forwards an backwards without my feet ever leaving the ground.

After the street lights flickered on with a soft buzzing sound I pulled my phone out to check the time. It was 9:45PM. I sighed and started the long walk home.

I was about a block from my house, and had my head down to change the song on my iPod, when I heard a shuffling noise.

I snapped my head up and looked around, turning just in time to see a fist flying at my face. I felt my body hit the ground, then everything went black.


Kaelin's P.O.V.

I heard the voices as I rounded the corner. I looked down into the alley and saw three guys huddled together arguing about something. I sneered when I recognized the three guys. They were some idiots who liked to pretend they were all that, but in reality they were just cowards. They would hit from behind, steal whatever had any value, then make a run for it.

I walked closer intending to tell them to get lost when I saw a fourth body. It was laying on the ground, unconscious, and the three idiots were standing over it while they argued.

When I got close enough I could see that the body was in fact that of a teenage boy. I guessed him to be around fourteen or fifteen years old. He was actually quite attractive, if you ignored the quickly forming bruise on his temple, I mused.

The sound of voices raising brought my attention back to the present, and I saw that the three guys were about to eacalate to more violence in their argument.

"Hey!" I called to them. They all looked up at the sound of my voice, with anger written on their faces, but when they saw who it was they put on a show of bravado. I almost laughed as they all stuck their chests out and tried to look tough.

"Get lost Kaelin," the smallest of the three said, but his voice quivered at the end of his proclamation.

I smirked, this was gonna be fun, "Or what?" I asked tauntingly as I walked closer, getting in their personnal space.

The three moved closer together as they all instinctively stepped back. I smirked again as they said nothing.

"Hand it over," I said holding my hand out expectantly. 

"Hand what over?" the smallest one spoke again.

"Whatever you stole from him, I said nonchalantly, nudging the unconscious body at my feet. The three looked at each other anxiously, and I cleared my throat, starting to get impatient. The smallest one, who also seemed to be the leader, slowly walked forward and removed a wallet, an iPod, and a cell phone from his pocket and placed them on my extended hand.

I jerked my head in the direction of the entrance to the alley, "Now, get," I said, and they scrambled to leave. As soon as they were out of sight, I sighed and walked over to the boy laying on the ground.

I sat down beside him and placed his stuff in a small pile beside me. I reached out and touched his soft, blonde hair. He really was quite pretty. I continued to pet his head softly, enjoying the feeling of his soft hair running through my fingers.

He shifted and moaned in pain. I quickly removed my hand from his hair and looked down, shocked, to find two startling blue eyes staring back at me.

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(A/N) So here is chapter 2. Hoped u liked it. it took a while for me to figure out how Aaron and Kaelin were supposed to meet and this is what i came up with. Thnx to the 2 people who voted :P I better get more this time. lol. anyways vote, comment, eat ice cream  ^.^

    =^.^= meow

   :)  peace

The Pain of Happiness (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now