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This story occured after mabel discovered bipper. Dialouge may not be the same with the episode.

"After all, who would risk everything just for their dumb sibling?" Bill/Bipper asked as Mabel handed him the journal.

"Your...... right" Mabel said with a defeated sigh, finally handing him the journal.

"Well that was fun shooting star! But I best be going!" Bill/Bipper said cheerfully. Droping to prop, ruining the show. Causing the fireworks to explode, and people to panic.

"Hey! I though we had a deal?!" Mabel asked angrily as the shouts of people were continued downstairs.

"We did'nt! We never shook on it!" Bill once again replied cheerfully."Remember! Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hollogram! Buy gold bye!" His voice echoed at the end as he slowly teleported away from the scene.

"NOOO!!!" Mabel said screaming. Her hand outstreched, reaching for her brother.

Little did Mabel know, that Dipper's soul was quietly watching her. Silent heartbrocken tears streamed down his face. He quickly possed a nearby doll and spoke to her.

"How could you?" Dipper asked silently. "HOW COULD YOU!!!"

"Dipper I-"

"NO!! Thats enough!"

"I'm sorry dipst-"

"You traded me and the journal for your stupid play!!! Just to impress some guy that just suddenly showed up!!"

"Dipper I'm really sorry but if you would just-"

"'s over. I'm no longer your brother." Dipper said quietly. Tears still streaming down his face. He loosened his hold on the doll and drifted into the mindscape.

Mabel started to sob. Shaking like a leaf while Dipper left her. Stan soon came rushing up the stairs going straight to the catwalk.

"Mabel!! Are you alright?! What's wrong?! And where's Dipper?" Stan asked the now depressed Mabel.

Yey Mabel won't answer. She just kept mutering- "It's my fault"- over and over again.

"Mabel, it's not your fau-"

"NOO!! IT IS!! Im the reason he left! Heck I'm even the reason he made the deal in the first place!"

"Mabel honey calm down.... now whats this about making a deal?" Stan said calm8ng her down.

"Do you remember Bill?" Mabel asked

"The evil dorito corn chip?"

"Yes...w-well... Dipper made a deal with him..."

Mabel soon explained everything to Stan. From the beginning with the gnomes till the present with Bipper.

"I'm sorry Grunkle Stan. It's my fault. I-"

"Mabel, sweetie. It ain't your fault. It's that no good Cipher."

"But I-"

"No no no no and no. I'm not hearing any of this. And besides we need to get back to the shack. I bet Soos and Wendy are worried sick about you."

Mabel just nodded at her Grunkle Stan. Stan then proceded to carry Mabel down the stairs and towards the Stan mobile.

(Line break brought to you by Waddles da beatiful pink pig)

As soon as Dipper lost controll of the doll, he imidiately took of into the woods. Tears streaking down his face. He sped by the trees. Not caring about where he's heading. He sped into the trees, passing right through them. He finally stopped infront of a hege boulder. He recognized this place, on of the many spots he discovered while exploring the woods with the journal as his guide.

After all the stress, heartbreak, and tears, he finally collapsed. Sobbing into his knees, rocking back and forth.

"Hearbreak sure hirts huh?" A cheery voice said. Dipper looked up at the  boulder and found a grining Dipper looking straight at him. Of course that wasn't him. Just Bill possesing his body.

"What do you want Bill!" Dipper hissed. Venom was laced onto his voice.

"Yeesh kid don't be such a grump!"

"WHAT...DO..YOU..WANT!!!" Dipper said emphasizing his every word.
"If you think I would fall for your tricks again, then forget about making a deal!" Dipper continued.

Bill just chuckled. Slowly evolving into maniacal laughter.

"Oh, I'm not here for a deal. I'm just here to remind you to say goodbye to you precious family. Cause thay won't ever see you again!"

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