It's time to say goodbye

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It was around 10 and Tyler and Josh couldn't get to sleep. Tyler was still worried, Josh was worried about Tyler. They sat with tears falling off of their faces. Josh spoke and was scared. "What do w-we do if the m-monsters come?"
"I'll protect you Josh, don't worry"
Josh nudged Tyler on the shoulder.
"T-thanks Tyler"

It was about midnight and Tyler decided to show verse 2 of friend, please.
"Living like a ghost you walk by everyone you know, you say that you're fine but you have lost your sway and glow, so I, stopped by to let you know. Ohhh"
Josh clapped and Tyler smiled.
He realized that just because he doesn't like it doesn't mean others won't.

Tyler's watch read 1.
Tyler wanted to write.
"Do you p-play any i-instruments"
Josh asked.
"I have a keyboard, I've kinda been working on these tunes, they're pretty stupid though"
"Can y-you sing me s-some?"

Tyler opened one of his books.
The front said "don't open zack. Or I'll slap you"
Josh laughed as he saw the title.
"I'll sing this one, it's called time to say goodbye, it's kind of a cover but kinda not"

"You split, and take in every time you see a faking counterfeit, in the mirror you appear to see fear and whisper this is it, in the mirror you appear to see nothing else but your face, a hollowed out space, leave me with the razor just in case I fall face down on the ground and somehow I found enough strength to lift my face and make a sound, and muffled though it may be, crazy it seems, I've never felt closer to you, just crying as you torture me."
Tyler inhaled and exhaled as he finished rapping his song.
Josh sat, looking to Tyler.
"I c-can't believe you w-wrote something so b-beautiful," Josh said.
"I want to b-believe"

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