Rehab and Feelings

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As the weeks continued to fly by and with Lena needing to move into a rehab facility for the next few months, Stef, without any hesitation took on the role of assisting and helping her as much as she could.  Of course juggling that with work and taking care of the girls it surly presented itself as a challenge but it was one she was more then willing to accept. Lena was more grateful then she could ever imagine as she continued to watch Stef come day in and day out to be with her. It was something she was so unfamiliar with the kind of care the blonde had shown her and the kind  deep devotion she continued to show to her and her children. It only furthered her belief that she had made the right choice when she had signed over the power of attorney to her months ago, and it made it even more clear to her why her girls loved her so much.

Stef was patient, kind, understanding and affectionate. She was also strong, independent and fierce and it was those qualities she started to see shine through her daughters as well. Mariana, who clung to her for dear life since the time she had brought her home when she was just three had become much more independent. She no longer relayed on her older sister to do things for her or to speak for her any longer. The little girl had grown to become much more relaxed and was almost free as a bird completely unhindered by her past. Each day during her visits she would come dressed in her ballerina tutu and preform for both her and Stef loving the attention and praise. She had been like a butterfly coming out of it's cocoon and the site was amazing to watch.  Callie, who used to naturally take on the role of a caretaker,  who was once so un trusting of everyone and everything, who was once always on guard started to open herself up much more as well shedding her walls down.  She was  free of life's burdens, worries and troubles as he watched the young girl jump around as carefree as anything. Lena could not for the life of her figure out how Stef had done that in such a short amount of time but her heart, her  mind and soul was grateful as she had no idea how she would ever repay this woman. Watching her girls grow and to see how much they had grown was enough to heal whatever wounds she was feeling and she did feel them. The only issue in her eyes was what would happen when she left rehab? Where would they go and how would the girls react to leaving Stef? It was something she couldn't face or think about right now for she didn't have a dime or cent to her name. Of course her mind also couldn't help but think of Kevin and the instant she thought of him she would feel a headache and her anxiety would increase more then anything. Even with Stef telling her he would most likely go away for the maximum sentence of attempted murder it was still unsettling she thought as she continued to sip on the soup the blonde had brought her.

 "Stef, you don't need to spend your lunch break with me everyday. It's fine." Lena said as Stef looked up from her sandwich taking a bite.

"Maybe I want to. Plus I need a break from men sometimes. It's nice to have a woman to talk to."  Stef admitted as Lena let out a smile. Truth was  as scary as it was to admit she loved having the cop around and enjoyed her company more then anything.

"So how were the babies this morning? " she asked as Stef looked to her letting another smile form on her face.

"MM good. Mariana ate all her breakfast for once and Callie managed to get up and dressed without giving me a fight." Laughing and taking another bite of her sandwich Lena let out her own smile as she shook her heard.

"You know from the time I first brought her home she never liked getting up early or going to bed for that matter. I just  always considered it to be a personal victory when I could manage one or the other. But she definitely didn't make it easy."

The blonde let out her own smile as Lena took another sip of her soup remembering how hard it was in the beginning with Callie. She could never quit get a handle on her even if the young girl adored her and Lena adored her just as much. But it was no secret she needed someone a little tougher at times and Kevin was not the best option for he mostly ignored the two girls which Lena was grateful for to some extent.  Stef of course had witnessed and dealt with Callie's stubborn behavior on multiple occasions and had no issue disciplining her in the way she needed. She never spanked her but she certainty raised her voice in a way were Callie knew she was not playing. Loss of privileges and time outs were usually the consequences of her behavior which Callie seemed to accept.

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