Meeting a Savior (2)

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Out of nowhere the carriage stopped right in front of me. The horses began to go crazy and the stagecoach was aggravated. I did my best to get up and limped my way to the stagecoach.

He looked down at me with an angry face, “Little girl do you have any idea of what you’ve done!” he yells. I stand before him shaking in fear and not aware of how to put my words, “I-I-I’m sorry s-s-ir,” I stutter, “I-I was jus- OWWW! LET GO OF ME!!” I shout by someone’s grip on my hair.

I look up and notice it was one of the King’s soldiers holding me tightly. His expression was very angry, “Little girl do you have any idea what you’ve just done!? You cannot just fall in the middle of the road and stop the carriage to see the King personally!! That is a selfish and reckless act!!” he yelled tugging on my hair. I tried to defend myself but the grip on my hair was too painful including my body.

In the distance I can hear the opening and closing of a door followed by footsteps. I see a man come around the carriage walking towards the soldier and me, “Soldier! What seems to be the problem!” he asks with a firm tone. His voice seemed serious and working toned. The soldier angrily points a finger at me, “THIS girl,” he says, “Stopped the carriage for her own selfish acts,”

“That’s NOT true!!” I manage to shout for my defense. The soldier tugs my hair hard shutting me up, “Quiet you!” he snarls.

The man nods his head once, “OK. Wait one minute.” The man says going back inside the carriage. The stagecoach leaned down from his seat and asked the soldier, “What is he doing?”

The soldier growled when he answers, “Speaking with the King like he always does.” I can sense the hostility the soldier has towards the man that went inside the carriage. Are all soldiers hostile to everyone? I use to discuss this with my friends. Daisy, one of my closest friends, once was slapped by a soldier just because she wouldn’t give him her apple after she purchased it. From that day the both of us have been frightened by the King’s soldiers. They do not want to be friends. “What could Lord John possibly want to tell the King? Why doesn’t he just let you do what you’ve been paid to do?” the coachman whispers to the soldier. The soldier quickly gives a death glare to him and then shuts his mouth. Lord John? I’ve heard about him. He’s the King’s loyal companion. I heard they have been friends since childhood. He’s supposed to be the King’s right hand man. I hear from women in the market gossiping that he is also a big man whore. Some say they even slept with him. I don’t know. I find it sickening and don’t believe in rumors that happen inside the castle. I, as a child, believe inside the castle is where a lot of magic comes from. I would give anything to live inside the castle. ANYTHING! It’s a dream that I have. My home actually rests at the bottom of the same hill that the castle sits on top of. At night you can catch me looking out my bedroom window...looking at the castle. Seeing it glow with lights. I wonder what it feels like to be King. I wonder how happy he is in his castle.  

Five minutes pass by and Lord John comes out of the carriage coming towards me and the soldier, “The King would like to see the child. He feels that this isn’t the story that has been told,” he says. The soldier was quick to disagree, “But your Lordship-”

“Don’t you dare question the King’s orders!,” Lord John interrupts, “He wants to see her…NOW!” he shouts then turns around on his heels and returns to the carriage. The soldier reluctantly lets go of my hair. I stand in front of him unable to move out of freight. He gives me a cold look and asks, “Am I gonna have to drag you or will you start walking?” I remained quiet. The soldier bops my head and shouts, “MOVE!,” I quickly regain my composure and limp my way towards the carriage doors. The soldier opens the door for me to enter. Inside I can see the King clear as daylight waiting for me.

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