A Cloaked Maestro (7)

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I was awaken by a stinging sensation on my cheek. Startled in my sleep, i begin to search around me for the reason of the burn. My eyes were widen at the sight before me. Father stood at the door of my bedroom with a whip in his hands. There was a suspicious liquid running down my face. I placed my hand on my cheek and pulled it away taking a glance at it. It was blood. Father hit me with the whip. I frantically looked around me to find Mother, but...she was unconscious. In front of my bedroom. I knew that there was no hope of saving me.

My heart immediately began to race and my stomach turned. Fear was rushing through my body, "Get up!" Father sneered. I quickly obeyed him and stood up on my pallet. I was backed against the wall and unable to escape. My bedroom is quite small, so there was no use of making an escape plan.

Father raised the whip above his head and struck my legs. I cried in pain, falling to my knees and hands. I cried even more as I felt the scraps I received yesterday were reopening. Father pulled a lock of my hair and yanks my head back, his mouth close to my ear, "You're really a bitch, you know that? How dare you go to the King and try to have me arrested,"

"Father, please! I wasn't-"

"SILENCE!" he shouts as he throws my head on the floor. I moan in pain as my vision was blurry, "GET UP!" he shouts, "IT'S TIME YOU LEARNED THAT WHATEVER HAPPENS IN THIS HOUSE, STAYS IN THIS HOUSE! NOW GET UP! DON'T MAKE ME HAVE TO REITERATE MYSELF!" I disobey him. I was in too much pain to move. My head was throbbing and my legs were screaming. I can feel my scraps from yesterday bleeding through the cloth the King wrapped around me. Father sighs in frustration, "Fine...don't get up.... You can be punished either way."

Before I had time to process what he said, I felt a lash on my back. I screamed in pain. Another lash was given, then another, then another. Then about five more. I just laid on the ground in my tears and pain when he was done. Air rushed out of my mouth as he kicked me in the stomach.

He kneels down next to my body stroking my hair and says in the nicest soft tone, "Now I hope you learned your lesson...now if you speak of this to anyone...I will kill you. Now get up and get dressed for work. Those taxes don't pay themselves you know." He then bends down and lays a kiss on my head. I wince in pain, "Have a nice day, my little Sapphire...Father loves you." He then gets up, drops the whip next to me, and leaves the house. I continue to lay on the ground bloodied up, with my back in blazing pain.

It took me 20 minutes to gather myself up before I could prepare myself for work. Instead of wearing a dress today, I put on a pair of trousers and a white shirt to cover up my lashes on my back and legs. I put on my brown boots and laced them up. When I was done getting dressed I attended to my Mother.

I dragged her unconscious body to the couch and laid her on it. I then placed a blanket on top of her to give her warmth. Then I drew a cup of water and fed it to her. Her eyes began to open as the cool substance slid down her throat. She gently pushed the cup away from her, "That's enough Sapphire," Mother says gently. I place the cup on the ground next to her and tuck the covers on her.

Mother smiles faintly at me, "My little angel...how I love you so." she says as she caresses my cheek.

I hold her hand as I dig my face into it, "I love you more Mother." I whisper. Mother slowly removes her hand away from my cheek and examines it. She releases a gasp, "He...hurt you?" she choked,

"Mother, please! Don't cry! I'm fine,"

"No, Sapphire, I tried to not let him get to you but I failed!"

"Please don't talk like that. I'm fine. I'mma go to work and bring us some money, ok?,"


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