Twisted Mind

14 2 0

I was having a nice time

Thinking of nothing in particular

When you started messing my mind

Now you're wrecking my whole system

And I'm afraid

They told me to stay away

They told me to keep my distance from you

But how can I stop this feeling

I'm gradually falling for you

I'm horrified because we only have limited time

And leaving you would be a crime

That's why I'm controlling my heart not to fall too deep

For one day I might not be here and you will just weep

Yet why do I crave so much for your love?

Why do I want all of your heart?

Even your weaknesses and strengths

If giving you a chance would mean pain

How can I have the courage to go on with what I feel?

But I'm too terrified

Too frightened because this feeling

Might create a new relationship but destroy another one

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