Chapter Two

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I awoke in the back of a truck. The engine was roaring and made a sound as if it was going to break down every time we hit a bump. Hunter was sitting besides me still unconscious. There were about twelve of us is the truck but I awoke first. These people look different though. Some of them had blonde hair and others had brown. I've never seen anyone with that color of hair before.

We were never allowed to leave our sector. I guessed they are from other sectors due to there genetics but they could also be from the rebels. It's not like I was able to ask them questions at the moment though because they were all asleep.

About ten or fifteen minutes after I woke up a girl who looked like she was about the age of seven woke up. She had light brown hair the went a little past her shoulders and she was wearing a green shirt with blue jeans. I could tell just from her first expression she was scared.

"Where am I," she pleaded. "Where is my mommy."

She was getting pretty loud but I didn't know if we were supposed to be awake yet so I started to panic. I needed to quiet her down.

I whispered, "Hey please don't cry." I know my attempt was weak but I didn't know what else to do.

"Who are you? Where am I?" She questioned.

"If you keep quiet for just a little bit longer we might be able to find your mommy again. If someone opens the door pretend to fall asleep okay. We can look for your mommy very soon ok?"

"Um ok," she said not sure if she could trust me or not. I nodded and smiled to try and reassure her.

What felt like another thirty minutes had passed. The little girl had fallen asleep again. I sat there. What else could I do. It's not like I could open up the doors from the back. Then I realized maybe I could.

I crawled over to the doors making sure not to hit anyone since it was pretty crowded. Once I made it to the doors. I found the latches. I pulled on one of the handles it wouldn't budge.
I tried the other one but it had the same result. They were locked. At that point all hope I had to escape was lost, just like me and these kids were.

There was nothing else I could do. Everyone else was still asleep. I didn't even know what time it was. At that point I was wide awake even if it was the middle of the night.

As I was just sitting there all of sudden the van came to a stop sending me flying forward into Hunter. He still wake up though. Whatever they used to drug us knocked him out good just like the others.

Why did me and that other girl wake up though. I had no time to question it when the question came up in my mind because the back door started to open. I quickly fell to the floor and pretended to be asleep. I had to slow my breathing down. Taking smaller breaths the I did before made me feel almost as if I was suffocating when I reality I knew I wasn't.

The hatch opened. Light filled the back of the van as well as a moist and humid air. The humid air made it even harder to breath. I had my eyes slightly open so I could see who opened the truck. It was a girl that looked like she was about my age but could have been a few years older then me. About ten men stood behind her and started taking people out of the truck.

A man who looked about forty or so climbed into the van and slumped me over his arm like a rag doll. His clothes smelled like strong of detergent with a hint of smoke. He wore a red and black flannel with a white mom beater tang top underneath. His jean were looked two sizes to big with holes where the fabric that covered his knees used to be.

When I looked down I saw sand. He walked a little bit farther and I just kept on seeing sand. It was bright yellow and reflected the sun into my eyes that would have cause me to squint if my eyes weren't almost closed already.

He continued walking. I started to feel a tingle in my nose. I had to sneeze. I tried to hold back the sneeze as long as I could. The tingling sensation grew and grew until I finally sneezed.

The man jumped obviously not expecting me to sneeze. He dropped me quickly. My back slammed into the burning sand knocking the wind out of me. The sand flew through the air and went down my shirt and pants. When I opened my eyes I saw him looking back into mine.

I shuffled to my feet. When I stood up I looked over his shoulder. A huge facility stood behind him. The majority of it was made of glass making it look very modern. It looked like a palace. No matter what it looked like I didn't care. I had to get back to my sector to become a defender and make my parents proud of me.

I turned and started running towards the empty desert. Nothing but sand for what looked like forever. I just needed to make it home. The sand made it very hard to run but I tried my best. I heard the man calling from behind me telling me to stop. I didn't listen.

I heard a shot come from behind me. Something hit the sand a few feet away from me. He was shooting at me. I knew I couldn't escape. I heard another shot. My body hit the golden sand.

I woke up in a room with a two sets of bunk beds and a door that led to a bathroom. I was wearing different clothes than before. I was wearing a blue dress with small white polka dots on it. The girls that were in the truck with me where also in the room, but this time they were awake.

I sat up and they all looked at me.

"Where are-" a monitor turned on in the middle of the room. It was a video. A lady with a white pantsuit sat in frame.

"Hello," the video said. "I'm here to explain everything."

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