Chapter Three

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The video explained everything. They were against raising kids like dogs. Telling us what to do and how to live. They wanted a nation that would be its own. It was hard to process but the one thing I could get through my mind was I wasn't going home anytime soon. There was no reason to try and escape because even if we did we were very far away from home and would most likely die trying to get back home.

We were taken to dorms where we would be staying. Boys were on one side of the hallway and girls were on the other. It made me feel safer knowing that Hunter would always be close by. He was the only person I knew in the compound.

As me and my seven other roommates unpacked an announcement came on over the loud speaker.

"Attention all compound C residents, dinner will be served at 6:15pm and end at 8:00pm. Plan accordingly. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your evening."

It was only 5:00. I wondered why they made the announcement so early. My parents used to just call me down when dinner was ready. Not whenever I felt like between this time and that time. Things were different and I had to get used to that.

Me and my roommates sat on our beds and didn't speak. The silence was unbearable but there was nothing to say. I had the top bunk so I just laid down and stared at the ceiling.

It was only 5:24 and it had felt like hours had passed. Finally a girl who looked like she was about fourteen or fifteen spoke up.

"Um, hi everyone. My name is Annalise but you can also call me Anna. I just thought you guys should know since we are gonna be living together," she said staring at the floor occasionally looking up.

Annalise had a reddish orange tint to her hair and was very pale. She had a rounded face almost the shape of an oval with a narrow chin. Freckles were sprinkled across her nose and all around her cheeks. Although she looked young she was tall for her age at 5"4 and was very thin.

After Anna Silvia spoke up. Her nickname was Sil. Sil had black hair and was the tannest girl there. Five more names followed Anna and Sil's. Molly, Natalie, Taisia, Cameron, and Alexis. Finally I was the only one left. I don't really want to say anything but there stares made it impossible. I finally broke.

"Hi my name is Jade." I know I was very blunt but I had nothing else to say. The silence continued for another thirty minutes until people started disappearing to dinner. The first people to leave were Taisia and Molly. Following soon after was Cameron then quickly following her was Alexis. Sil and Anna both sat on there beds across from each other looking at the ground until Sil stood up.

"I'm gonna go down to dinner. Would you two like to join me?" I felt like Sil and I were gonna be good friends. I didn't know how to describe it other than a weird feeling.

"Actually, I kinda would," I said slightly raising my hand.

"Ok good I didn't want to walk down there by myself. How about you Anna?"

"Why not," Anna said throwing her hands in the air.

Sil, Anna, and I walked down to the dining hall. We took about seven wrong turns but eventually made it there. When we walked in there weren't many people left since it was almost eight. I saw Hunter sitting with three  other guys in the corner while they ate and talked. He didn't notice me and I didn't want to barge in on his conversation so I left him alone.

After we finished eating Sil, Anna, and I took a walk to the outdoor compound. The outdoor compound was just like a park with plants, grass, trees, benches, a pond, and even a play set for the children. There was no roof in this compound allowing the sky to be open and free. The air was warm and humid because it had just rained. There were still a few kids on he playground and a couple walking around the path. Sil, Anna, and I sat on one of the benches and talked about our families and whatever came to my mind.

After about fifteen minutes of us taking Hunter and his group of friends entered the outdoor compound. I really wanted to talk to him but it looked like was gonna get my chance because they started to head in our direction.

"Omg," Sil whispered, " hottie alert." We all giggled but she wasn't wrong the other guys with Hunter were pretty cute but most likely to young for me and I hate to admit but Hunter looked pretty cute too.

"I call the one with the blonde hair," Anna said as she flipped her hair and giggled. The boy Anna was talking about was probably fifteen or sixteen. He has slick back blonde hair and had a chiseled face to perfection. I can also add he was ver muscular too. I could defiantly see why Anna wanted him.

The boys approached smiling and the blonde hair boy waved to Sil. Sil was fifteen and was gorgeous with her black hair and tan complexion. She was basically a model and she had a great personality. She was defiantly the funniest person there by far.

"Hey," Hunter said.

"Hey," I said back. Neither of us knew what to say to each other especially with everyone else there.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Hunter asked me.

"Sure. We'll be back in about ten minutes," I told Sil and Anna but they didn't really care because they were being left with three cute boys.

"Ok Jade. Don't worry take all the time you need," Sil said with a laugh.

I stood up from the bench and Hunter and I started walking down they path.

"Hey," Hunter said. "I need to talk to you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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