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I know, I know, we all hate this part of a roleplay, but they must be kept, otherwise this book will be chaotic XD

1. Go ahead and make as many characters as possible!! The more the merrier!!! Just make sure to keep track of them :3

2. No Mary sues or Gary sues please!! Be the distressed one for once, it gets boring when you're always perfect :p

3. Please please pleeeaaaase no spamming!!! If someone doesn't reply to your rp, tag in at least 30 minutes XP

4. Third person please!! If you'd like, you can do first person, just don't do this..

Mary: *walks up to a dark cabin* *opens the door* *steps inside*


*Mary walks into the dark and empty cabin, and walks inside*

Its confusing :/

5. Be detailed guys!!! At least 2 sentences and no complaining!!

Wrong: Mary sees a cabin and walks inside.

Right: Mary slowly pads across the empty forest grounds. As she stalks forward, she comes across a tattered cabin, eyeing it for a moment. After a short while of thought, she decides to step inside, where she would hopefully find few weapons to help her in her survival.

Or something along those lines :p go ahead and make it shorter, but make it detailed!!!

6. You can only be human!!! Unless you were infected :3

7. You can be infected guys!!! Remember, unlimited characters!! Just make another!!!

8. If you want to kill a character, please ask the owner of the character, I don't want any arguments in here :3

9. Rp in chains por favor!! More than two people per chain would be highly appreciated XD

10. Please read the ranks chapter before you make a form :p

11. Hate the character, not the player!!!

12. Have fun!!!

13. Password is Oreos(cuz logic.. This is not part of the pass XD) Send me the password via PM please!! It'll let me know who read these rules or not :3

Alright!! Go aaaaannnnnnd read the ranks!!! XD

Zombie Apocalypse RoleplayWhere stories live. Discover now