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“It’s only three months, babe. And you can still call and text me, and stay up until four in the morning watching stupid comedies.”
“But, it’s not the same. You’ll be on the other side of the world.­” You pout, watching as he packs his suitcase. 
He turns around, his brow furrowed. “I love you, and I love you enough that a few hundred miles shouldn’t matter. I’ll still love you.” 
And then he pulls you towards his chest, planting his lips on yours.


It was only a week. Seven days, you kept trying to convince yourself. 
But even a day away from him felt like eternity. 
You had to go on a business trip, and, unfortunately, Liam couldn’t come. He joked about it, saying that now you were going away on ‘tour’ instead of him, but you could see in his brown eyes that he was disappointed. 
And you fought the tears as you folded your clothes and packed your bags, Liam in the corner of the room, watching as you moved around. 
“I love you.” He said, breaking the silence. 
You looked up to see his teary eyes, smiling slightly, and mirrored his words, before walking out the door to catch your cab.


He stands beside the door, waiting for you to finish running around like a madman in search for your missing heel. He’s waiting for you to finish packing so he can put the suitcases in the car and get to the airport. The two of you were going on a holiday, which you both needed. 
“Come on, Y/N, we’re going to miss the flight…” he sighs, checking his watch. 
“Found it!” you shout, holding the sparkly heel up in the air in victory. 
You rush back to the bedroom to the shove it into the suitcase, before zipping it up with some struggle and hauling the over-packed bag to the front door. 
“This is going to be great.” He smiles, taking your bag from you and carrying it outside, to the cab he had paid for.


“Isn’t it exciting? Our very own apartment!” he cheered, jumping up and down in your bedroom, watching as you stuffed clothes into your suitcase. 
You were moving in with your boyfriend. 
You smiled at him, joking, “With air-conditioning!” 
He knew the air-conditioner in your parent’s house had broken, and in the middle of summer. You and your family had been using electronic fans for the time-being. 
He grinned back, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
"With air-conditioning.” he agreed, kissing you. 


“Come on, Y/N, let’s talk about this!” he calls from the other side of the door. You could hear the pain in his voice, and it was one of the only things his thick accent couldn’t disguise. 
“There’s nothing to talk about, I’m leaving.” You respond, voice clipped as you replied to his, the voice you loved, continuing to throw clothes into your suitcase. You hated to do it, you hated to leave, but you couldn’t make him think that it was okay to just cheat on you. 
Your mother had always told you that you were above that, and that you didn’t deserve to be treated like that. 
And so, you walked out the door that night, leaving a regretful Niall in the hallway, tears streaming down his cheeks as he watched you walk out. 
And, he knew that you weren’t coming back. 

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