John's Perspective (short)

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                       John's POV
  I couldn't believe Paul still wasn't up yet. It was almost a half an hour before our show and he was still fast asleep in bed. I walked over to his bedside. We had avoided eachother for a whole bloody day now, and it was me who had to wake him up. I sat at the edge of his bed. He seemed to be enjoying whatever dream he was having. Smiling, slightly and his face seemed a bit red. I wish I could know exactly what he was dreaming about and why it seemed so enjoyable.

  "Ah" a sexual moaning noise escaped his mouth and my initial thought was Jane. He moced around abit, sweat falling down his face, his legs opening up a bit from under the covers. Then, suddenly his arm strechted up and reached my chest, rubbing it soothingly. Though I secretly enjoyed it next came out another moan I was not expecting. John, john. I couldn't believe the lad was actually reminiscing about last night in his sleep.

  Why did he want more, hadn't I given him enough? I pretended tp be a bloody queer just for him and he took it seriously. "Come on, Paul stop" I started to shake him. His hand rub my chest more intensely. Slight feelings of satisfaction filled me enough to blush. He repeated it, John, joohn. Even I was starting to feel aroused now. I quickly thought of something to say.

  "Stop, ye bloody wanker!" His eyes were slightly opening and he seemed surprised to see me as if I was a guest in his home and I wasn't invited. He looked embarrassed yet for some reason didn't let go of my chest. "Pur comcert is in 15 minutes, we're going to be late" I explained. He looked at his hand and then to my chestyet left it there. He didn't have permission, what the hell was he doing?

  He stuttered something I assumed was about me witnessing the dream. I felt a bit bad. The way he was acting was extremely guilty and ashames, it made me want to hughim in a way. At the same time, however I was still sore from before.

  He was in quiet contemplation for a long moment. When he finally spoke up it had to be the worst thing he could ask. It really got on my nerves, this was his weird fantasy of us. I didn't know nor did I want to know what was going on. It made me uncomfortable yet at the same time aroused me. I didn't know how to feel about the whole thing so I inly replied with the impatient remarks from off the top of my head.

  "I don't know what you were fucking doing with me in your head but its either you come or we're leaving without you" I walked away after that. I could no longer stand sitting there with him. What a tease he could be sometimes, moaning my name, rubbing my chest then acting all cute and embarrassed afterwards.

  I did realize something however through all of this. Paul really was a queer. He did enjoy what happened last night very much so. I did as well but he wanted more. He didn't want to stop, he seriously wanted to touch me and stick his genitalia up my arse and maybe do more dirty things I'd only allow Cynthia to do.

  I was a married man for goodness sake, and Paul had a girlfriend. We couldn't keep this up and I wanted him to let it go. (I was going to put let it be but then I thought no too cliche and nobody reads my smut anyways lmao which I'm actually kind of thankful for since it's weird).

McLennon SMUTOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora