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There he stood, under a glowing spotlight on a dark and misty night. "Dean Winchester, rough night? You don't look too good" As far as the cross-roads demon was concerned, Dean's soul was fragile so no damage would come of mocking him a bit. "Bring him back." The Winchester mumbles under his breath, his eyes glued on the demon's mysterious eyes. "Your fuck-boy? I don't think so" And in a blink of a second, the sting of the blade is dragged across its throat soul. "
BRING. HIM. BACK YOU BITCH" It gasped for any chance at air but left worse than before. Holding on tight to dean's collar, it falls to the floor, drowning in a pool of agony and blood. Dean leans low next to the remaining pieces of it and whispers in-distinctively while walking away into the fog where the headlights of the Impala now shadow the suffering demon on the rocky grounds of the railway. He shuts his door with all the noise possibly, and sits on the hard seat, his hands on the steering wheel and his eyes filled with crystal beads of sorrow. Dean can't accept the fact that Cas might be gone... for good. His secret was with him, in his back pocket, waiting for the right time to tell Cas if there is any more "Cas"

Sam sat by the door, counting the seconds for Dean's return, he had news he needed to tell his older brother. "How the hell am I supposed to tell this to him?" Sam quietly asked himself whilst getting up to unlock the front door. With a clack of the doorknob, Dean was walking in without saying a word or even looking up at sam. "Hey Dean" Sam dared to talk "I think they found Cas down in Oklahoma" Dean just nodded and was off to his black Impala in the cold winter night. The Impala was cold and felt empty without Cas sitting in the back. He sat there in his car, feeling immobile and paralyzed like a flood of emotions just ran over him.
He missed staring at Cas wanting to tell him how he felt, He missed Cas making the "pizza man" references in the public, he really just missed his stupid angel. For the first time the stubborn Winchester admitted that he wasn't okay He felt his heart spiral into a deep abyss. Shattering the warmth and confidence from within, diminishing all the memories he had and the security it gave to Dean - wherein shame and confusion fills in their absence, and the absence of Cas in his life. He didn't understand why he cared so much, he's lost friends before; Ben, Charlie, Bobby, Joe and a heck ton more but this one felt different, a lot more different. Something beautiful and good in his life is now gone and he is left alone in the dark.

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