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It was early morning, or what some people call "late at night", 5:30 am to be exact. Dean laid in his bed, listening to the rain drizzled on the ceiling while Cas laid his head on Dean's lap as the sat in silence. Dean's hands buried in Cas' hair, scratching lightly at his scalp, dean didn't know, but he really love having Cas around. Dean does steal glances at Cas, because he looks so god damn adorable. They both smile at each other when they get a quick glance for those few moments. Cas sat up next to dean, lightly pecking Dean's unprepared lips and then disappearing with a quick sound of fluttering wings. "He's gone" Dean whispered to himself.. The hell?

Dean stood up to get ready for a day and maybe finding a case to work on when the familiar scent of cas' cologne filled the room. Cas stood in near the window and Dean found himself lost in cas's beauty that was being enhanced in the glowing sunlight.
'Ahem' a fake laugh came from Sam who was leaning onto the door board, quietly tapping Dean on the shoulder
"Dude... You're Drooling. Breakfast is ready"Dean rolls his eyes at his little brother and turns quickly back to look at Cas do what he usually does.
After a few moments, cas chuckls lightly after looking at Dean for a few seconds. "Dean, you do realize that I can read your mind and thoughts right?"
'SHIT SHIT SHIT' dean totally forgot about that.

A few hours past, cas and Dean had just came back from a case down in Wisconsin and they were both bloody and bruised and just tired for all the crap the crossroads demons did. So cas lay there next to dean, wrapped within Dean's arms. The warmth of his body caressing dean's soft skin. They could have lie there for hours. Cas could feel dean's chest expand and contract and he could hear dean's heart rate. He tightened his grasp around dean's waist as he turned slightly and looked out of the window, only to find something run through the shadows over the hills. It was dawn, and the colors in the sky were blemishing everything but for once, he didn't bother. Cas had Dean in his arms so nothing mattered at that moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2017 ⏰

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