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Okay so you guys read the first side story right? Yeah well I wrote that after having my heart broken. Yeah I know, sorry bout that but I also thought it would be fitting to just add some depth to Viktuuri's relationship.

PS. I realized I was in love with my guy friend a bit too late(sad really) and I just interpreted what I felt for him as to being friendly love cause we're totally those kind of friends who seem act like a couple in other people's eyes but in reality we are not. I'm an emotional mess right now. On top of that I have to suck it up and pretend that I don't love him and act as I always do round him as to not make things awkward.

I need to let this one out. . . . . .


*PS I have at least 3 chapters on draft ready to publish next time I get the chance, hopefully by Wednesday a chapter would be out

Katsuki-Nikiforov FamilyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang