Random Fic

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It was a chilly morning when Yuuri walked out of his humble house in London into the hackney he hired. He was a physician, who has just started his practice roughly about a year before then. He had been one of the top to come out of his class though his station in life prevented him from getting more recognition. He wasn't from a family which is well recognized in the ton, you see. However an opportunity presented itself in the form of a letter from France by a past mentor asking for his help at his clinic. His practice in London was barely hanging on and France might prove to present greener pastures. Now he is boarding a ship to his destination. It was a good thing that this mentor of his is well-known and quite well off that he had paid a luxury suite for him. It was located in the top deck with 9 other rooms in the deck.

"This would give an excellent view of the sunrise. What a luck" he said to himself while he settled in his room for the trip.

It was sometime after the ship departed that he decided to go and have his supper in the dining area located in the same deck. It seems that the luxury deck was complete of basic amenities that would cater to their needs without them going and mingling with the other passengers aboard the lower decks of the ship, which seemed truly narcissistic but plausible what with the high price that one must pay to be in the luxury deck.

"Good Evening sir, what would you be having for supper?" An attendant asked.

"Yes, I would a steak if you will and scones for dessert" he answered.

"What would be your preferred drink sir?"

"A wine would be nice as well as tea of your suggestion to accompany the scones"

"Earl Grey would be an excellent accompaniment to our scones sir. If that would be all then I'll be back shortly with your meal sir." the man bowed and exited to what he presumed to be the kitchen. He silently thanked his mentor again for paying everything for the trip.

"Pardon my intrusion, however I couldn't help but notice that you were alone. Would you mind if I sit with you for supper?" a voice asked. He looked up to see a man probably a few years older than he, dressed in fine garbs and was sporting a charming smile.

"Oh no, I wouldn't mind at all. Do sit, please" he hastily answered.

"How kind of you, I am Viktor. Pleasant to meet you this fine evening" he extended his hand for him to shake.

"Yuuri, a pleasure to meet you as well." He answered as he shook the other's hand. Viktor had called for an attendant and Yuuri couldn't help but stare and wonder why this man, who is most likely a gentleman, asked to dine with him. Viktor seemed to have noticed because he asked.

"Is something the matter?"

"I was simply puzzled as to why you, who seems to be of high rank, would ask to sit with me?"

His question seemed to amuse the man for he ended up chuckling.

"Simple really, I, like you, am also travelling alone and so I figured why not dine with you and of course food tastes better when you have someone to dine with" Viktor answered as if it was the most obvious thing.

"Indeed" he simply answered seeing the wisdom of the man's words.

While eating their supper, the two men made small talk.

"What prompted you to go on a trip to France?" Yuuri asked.

"For inspiration, you see Mr. Yuuri, I am a writer and I wish to broaden the scope of the world in which I try to immerse my readers in. France would be a good place to start."

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