Chapter one : The beginning of an endless journey

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As I walk away from my planet embracing the spirit of curiosity, with my ship that bleeds through the cosmos, I gaze up for the last time at my home, wonderful, appealing, a blue marble with clouds dancing and moving in it, it looks alive, it was hard to leave it behind, but new worlds craving to be discovered, slowly roaming their stars. I gently drift away from the planet I was raised in, and ready, I am, to sail the dark world. And here began my journey to the unknown

Departing for the interstellar space, I went for the closest star, firmly I entered the system and my radar detected four planets, for a moment I got these Goosebumps all over this body of mine for I stare at this alluring blue star, shining its surrounding, as if it's a lighthouse calling out for the lost, I moved to the furthest planet, from here it looks like a snow ball so cold yet so dazzling this frosty world, I couldn't just stand there looking at it, I had to feed my ruthless curiosity. Down I went and entered the atmosphere and the clouds were endless its covering the whole planet, so I found a spot to land and get out to investigate the place where no being ever stood before.

Getting out from my ship, I was stunned by the white landscape it's so frosted, pearly, my helmet was constantly punched by the fragments of ice, carried by the wind, my suit warned me that the place is so cold, nothing could live here, So I stayed there for a moment and started walking to study the environment, I was amazed how beautiful this place is, as I walked for miles I had to rest somewhere, I found a good spot, I reclined watching the sky, it's all white covered by the static clouds, and through these flocks of whitish furs, you can see the blue star gleaming the land with its bright light, I continued my journey and I found strange natural figures shaped by the rough atmosphere, it's amazing how the wind can sculpt wonderful shapes, Standing there for a moment I admired the art. Again I continued my trip I and these astonishing things appeared on the horizon, colossal mountains in a really weird shape, resembling the waves of a sea, passing by these mountains I noticed these huge ice cracks, it was terrifying looking down there, a dark place with the sounds of falling rocks of ice, for a brief moment I thought this was a dream, I really loved this place and there's a lot to discover here but I had to move on, I took the flag of humanity and planted on top of a hill, it's a peaceful world to whom seeking the calmness, so I walked back to my ship and the tears of joy filling my eyes, an experience I'll forget

Leaving the snowball, a wistful smile drawn on my face, I simply couldn't leave that place but I had to see the other world, closer and closer to the star I went, spotted this desert world, A yellowish planet, it looked dead, but for me it was a wonderful place, to roam around, going down slowly, not even a single cloud, was down there, the atmosphere was soft, As I landed, A strange figure appeared on my sight, it was a pyramid, I got out of my ship, and jumped on the sand, it's soft yet strange how familiar this place looks, it's not really different from my world, I went for my main goal, investigating the pyramid, it's twenty feet tall, made with a strange substance, and suddenly questions started appearing, is there some life form in here ?, or it's just an explorer who left this behind, I took some samples and started walking, in front of me was this small mountain as I slowly went up, and I found a cave, It was dark inside, so turned on my flashlights, and slowly entering this uncharted cavern reaching a dead-end, another bizarre thing a triangle drawn on the wall, I find this apprehensive, for I fear the unexplained things, I tried to understand the meaning of the pyramid and the triangle, but I couldn't, so I got out of the cave and continued walking away of the ship nothing is there, but the dunes formed by the grainy sand swallowed by the rays of the blue star, I went back to my ship and prepared for takeoff, this world was really interesting, but it looks like someone was here before me

After taking off I reached the space again, and I went for the third planet, it's an earth like, from here it's a blue world full of oceans the place looks really like my world but instead of multiple continents, it had one, the frozen poles and the green land, I had a strange feeling that this world will amaze me, and indeed, it did, diving into the planet, I started seeing some clouds, few minutes later, my mind literally blew up, the view was so fascinating, I cried of excitement, the huge tree like things, red gigantic figures, waterfalls were everywhere the blue color of the rivers and the shadows caused by that big star, also three moons can be seen, all glowing blue because of star, I flied for some time before, landing, to discover the area a bit, seeing the mountains, and the beautiful landscapes made by these strange tremendous trees, I saw something, that instantly doubled my happiness, I finally spotted life forms, I kept flying up there in a safe distance, so they can't see me, and started studying them using an advanced scope, they were hunting strange animals using sticks, they looked like lizards from my home planet, I kept looking at them, I marveled, I thought about how the eye struggling to survive like we humans used to be, they interacted with each other's using some kind of sign language, but I can't just examine them from here, I had to get closer but without exposing myself, with my advanced ship and my physical form they will be and stay confused for generations to come, I landed far from them, in what looked like a jungle, As I landed, I had to make sure, stay away from being discovered, got out and I ordered my plane to fly up there, and serve as a drone to show me the way, and notify me in possible contacts, the place looks familiar again, it's how my ancestors described earth before the major scientific revolution, I noticed strange animals, insects, it's really hard to explain how they exactly look like, so odd this place, I went for my current goal, stalking on the strange intelligent animals, as I reached a vantage point, I started seeing their camp, went close, and here they are, dancing and playing, they look strange yet so amazing they are, this tempting feeling I had, to go there and say hi but the outcomes can't be expected I kept watching them for hours, studying every aspect of their simple life they eat insects and animals, they drink water from the rivers, and they work together, and suddenly while I was studying them I saw something, one of them brought a small pyramid, and they put it down while dancing around it, my curiosity is killing me, I couldn't simply understand it's meaning, and the main problem is, I didn't want to interact with them, the night was slowly falling into this magnificent world, the rotation of the planet is fast, that's why the day passed quickly, I didn't want to leave as, the world was quiet strange and beautiful, full of wonders undreamed of in my world . I stayed there for 4 nights, studying both the environment and the life it harbors, this intelligent species really fascinates me, i can see the resemblance between our races, and that's quiet strange for the distance that separates us, as i gathered enough information , i was all set to head for the last planet in this system

From this distant view the forth planet, the closest one to the star,looks like a horrendous hell, full of eruptions, volcanoes blasting the debris, forming huge clouds,  extending to space, the atmosphere dim and unclear, its poisoned by the gas emissions, deep inside i could see the huge thunders making it more terrifying, "should i go down there ?,or stay away from it?", I had to discover it maybe it's hiding something that could uncover the mystery of the pyramid, i gently fell into the planet, frightened and anxious, passing by the thick clouds, i activated the Advanced armor system, increasing the resistance of my ship, getting closer to ground, i realized i was in the wrong place, at the wrong time, a tremendous tornado of rocks and metals getting closer to me, its rotating in a very high speed, that can blow my vessel into pieces, i tried to move away from this danger, but i measurably failed to do so,
is that it, The end of my journey?.
I didn't quit, as a last resort, there's a boost of energy consumption system, but it decreases the fuel, its a risk i had to take, as the tornado approached my ship, i executed the command, and here i go in a miraculous speed, back to the sky, what a sudden turn of events, i knew it was a mistake approaching that unwelcoming planet.
The first system was completely discovered, and now i had to contact my nation to inform that i finished it, and they can send more explorers, i sent the information i collected, that marked the end of my adventures through unexplored worlds, but it wasn't the end of the journey, more is waiting, more wonders to be revealed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2017 ⏰

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