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Stitchie and Jeff were sitting next to each other, in the tv room. Jeff was talking to Stitchie about his life, and why he's like this.

Stitchie already knew, because she read all about him, but she made herself look interested.

Jeff spun his knife around. "And that's why I burnt my eyelids off. And... I kinda regret it cause I can't WINK," he said. "So when hot girls come along, I just stand there when I flirt," he laughed.

Stitchie giggled and smiled at Jeff.

"Time to make my move..." Thought Jeff. He swallowed, and leaned forward, so his face was centimeters from Stitchie's.

Right before their lips met, a hand separated them from kissing.

Jeff and Stitchie looked up, both alarmed.

There stood Masky and Laughing Jack.

"There seems to be somethin goin on here..." Said LJ, raising his eyebrows and winking at Jeff.

Masky, on the other hand, balled up his fists and scowled at Jeff. "I-I promised to k-keep her safe, and now s-she's in love with you!" He snarled. (Trying his best to sound brave.)

Jeff got up, as a smirk played along his face. He easily lifted Masky off of his feet, and pinned him against a wall.

"That's not the only thing... Is it Masky..." Whispered Jeff, his eyes glinting with greed and protection.

Masky blushed fiercely behind his mask, but fortunately, no one could see it.


Katie and Ben sat next to each other at the giant dinner table that was in front of them.

"Where's Alex and Jeff?" Asked Katie. "Dunno," shrugged Ben, attempting to fit a big forkful of pork into his mouth.

Katie wasn't eating anything, and EJ wanted to be nice.

He walked over, handing her a plate with a sandwich on it. "Kidney sandwich?" Eyeless Jack offered.

Katie didn't want it, but she thought it would be rude to say no. "Thanks!" She said, taking the plate. EJ walked away, with a smile on his face.

Ben grabbed Katie's arm. "Bafrooms ober dere..." He said, pointing. His mouth was full. "Just in case you need to vomit." He said, swallowing.

Katie cringed, and took a bite. Trying not to think about how she was eating a humans internal organs, she stomached the food.

She gagged a little, but managed to keep it down.

"You ok?" Asked Ben. Katie nodded. "It's not that bad, actually..." She said.

Ben smirked. "Mhm. So take another bite," he said.

Katie flipped over the plate. "NO WAY!" She said playfully. Ben laughed. "You're crazy. But not as crazy as me..." He said, while grabbing a whole bottle of wine and chugging it.

Katie laughed hard. "How old are you?" She asked.

"Doesn't matter," said Ben, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. "We pastas really don't age..." He said. "You could be three, and I could still date you," he laughed.

Katie took this statement as a good sign.

Illusions (a creepypasta fanfiction, with most pasta)Where stories live. Discover now