#2 well shit...

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well shit...

I got woken up by my alarm but I swiftly turned it off to get more sleep. I would have gotten more sleep if Grace hadn't of heard my alarm and ran through to get me up. She always makes sure to come through in the morning to wake me up- it would be strange if she didn't do that.

After being repeatedly jumped on and probably left with bruises, I got Grace to go get Jase up so i could shower and get ready for another day at hell. I picked a white dress, a black leather jacket and black lace up shoe boots with a fur fold over. I went downstairs after I finished doing my make up to see Jase putting sausages and bacon on a plate; that'll be mine then! I love bAcon and sausages in the morning, especially with ketchup.

* * * * *

"Sophie!" I heard my name being shouted from behind, I turned around and saw Jamie coming over with Sav, Nick and Cal. They were all gawping at my car, I looked at them confused waiting for someone to speak up. "I never knew you could drive!"

I shifted uneasily on my feet, especially when Chase came over with Jack and Reece just in time to hear my explanation. "Yeah, I'm 17 next month" there mouths dropped open, they seriously didn't supect anything? "I was held back a year" I didn't explain anymore than that, they weren't the kind of people to push information out of you- I learnt that yesterday.

"Cool, so should you be a junior?" Nick asked, I just nodded before turning around to get my stuff before walking to my locker, that wasn't without holding the key above my head whilst walking to lock my car. Like a boss. "Sweet! Nice car might I add, I hate buses but I can learn to drive next week!" Nick continued, guess he was 16 next week then.

I went to my locker to dump my stuff before going to history with the boys. Chase came up to me and stood leaning against the locker next to mine, arms crossed over his chest making his muscles bulge through his white v-neck t-shirt. I turned to him as I shut my locker, "can I help you?" He hadn't exactly been the nicest person to me since I started, but his friends liked me so I didn't mind one hater.

He huffed before answering- "just so you don't get confused, Nick doesn't care as much as he's letting on" ouch "and you're not the only to be kept back, only mine was more recent" he talks like i should actually care, pathetic! "Say something?" he raised his eyebrow at me...well shit i said that allowed.

"I didn't say anything of importance" and with that, I started walking past him on my way to history, only to have a hand grab my upper arm and drag me back to where I was standing before. I winced as he sqeezed my arm, still not letting go though; it may sound pathetic but I got the implant put in a year ago, no bog deal though. "Could you let go of my arm?" he didn't, he just stood looking at me blankly before leaning in closer, he moved until his lips were near my ear before he whipsered to me,

"now, now ltle Sophie" he started like I was some little kid, "Don't be nasty to me, or I will make your life hell, got it?" his voice full of threat and promise at the same time, but it didn't faze me.

"Don't threaten me, freak" I said in a distasteful tone, yanking my arm out of his grip in the process, "like you could my my life any worse than it already is" with that said, I walked away towards class leaving him startled having me talk back at his attempt of a threat. That, however, didn't stop me from kicking myself at saying too much about me. Oh dear lord what have I done?

* * * *

Lunch came by slowly; I was starving and brought another apple that I wasn't going to forget about this time. The day had seemed to drag with me secretly scared of Chase finding what I meant earlier or him digging deeper under my skin to break me.

I sat next tp Jamie, half listening to her ranting on about how much of a jerk her boyfriend had been recently. I wasn't exactly listening but when Chase came, I decided to listen to distract myself from him. "So after I slept with him he didn't call or text me for a week, than he texted me saying 'hey been busy' and didn't talk for another 3 days. I was scared when my time of the month didn't come, I thought i was pregnant! I tried calling and texting him but he never answered. A few days later, my totm finally came so I calmed a bit but I don't understand why he's being so distant all of a sudden- any idea what to do, Soph?" I looked at her stunned for a minute whilst chewing on my apple.

"He obviously isn't worth your time if he can't even make time for you- I say get rid, he's already hurting you and it'll only get worse the longer you're together; it'll be tricky but it's for the best! The longer you leave it, it's just giving yourself false hope that he'll come back again, so make things easier for you and let go"

"Wow, I had thought about that but I just couldn't find the courage or a decent reason- I've always said don't dump unless you have a decent reason, you've helped me find one!" she hugged me and whiispered a 'thank you' in my ear before pulling away. I was keeping a low profile but it was tricky when you're new and the talk of the school. Guys even eye-rape me all the time, shamelessly too. I swear my math teacher, Mr. De Vale, a new teacher who looks really young, was shocked at how hot I was. He kept me behind after class to ask about my first day and discuss what I got in the mini pop-quiz he gave us right at the start of the lesson. It was to see what we remembered for last year. When I was walking out, I turned to shut the door and caught him looking at my ass. Creep.

* * * * *

"Sophie!" I turned after hearing Cal shouting my name, he was jogging towards me from the rest of the group. A slight drizzle was coming down on us, it was the start of a storm so I wanted to get home ASAP as Jase has to get to work and I need to keep Grace calm- she can get really scared sometimes. "wanna hang out with us?" I was shocked by the invite, even although I was already close with them.

"I really need to get home, my brother's working and I need to look after Grace" He looked disappointed; "but you guys could come over to mine?"

His face lightened up with the suggestion before he nodded, only to look puzzled again; "where do you live?" I told him I'd text the address, but realised that we'd probably split into two and Chase would follow behind me.

"Great idea!" with that, he jogged back to the others to tell them the plans. They smiled and spilrt themselves up into who was going with who. I waited and say Jamie, Sav and Nick walking over to my car whilst Cal, Reece, Jack and Chase got into Chase's car. Grace loved new people, and we'd all distract her from the strom, if all else fails we could just stick on her favourtie movie. Chase and my little sister...I'm looking after a lot of needy children today am I not? Fabulous...

The new girl and the bad boyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora