Underneath The Floor

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Mateo POV
We were all sitting down not knowing what to do. There is to much going on for us to decipher. It's been 2 hours since Zay has left and we are getting worried. Jack and Kanye are on the search. I don't know if I trust Kanye. He seems a little bit sketchy, like he knows something that he is not telling us. He looks depressed and sad. I just can't take all of it in at once. We already lost Jacob, Zavi, and Amara. I hope Amara is still out there waiting for me. I don't know about Haylee anymore. I was so depressed that I fell for her when I was really sad about Amara. I was trying to forget about Amara. I do like Haylee but Amara is on my mind all the time and it needs to stop. I must come to realization that she is gone now and that we are never going to find her. She's still in America while we are in Japan. I try to not think about it but maybe Amara died along with Dr. Edwards. I don't want to do this anymore. I just want to lay down and go to sleep and never wake up. Maybe this was meant to be. This is our destiny, for us all to die at a young age never knowing the true meaning to life. I wish it could go back to normal. Without any slow walking freaks that are going to bite you making you turn into a dead corpse hat walks around to repeat the cycle. It's miserable knowing you can't just go home and enjoy your life with your family on a daily basis. This makes me realize what life is actually about. I took it all for granted, thinking it was about hoes and gold chains.

Jack: Kanye I think we should stop searching
Jack: Hold up  I see tracks.
Jack: Ummm let's go like now
Kanye: Ok.....
Jack POV
We finally made it back and it was silent until somebody walked through the door. He was dressed like a priest and he looked shocked and he asked us who we were. We all told him and he said call him Deacon. Deacon was very scared of us and he looked like he was trying to hide something. We talked to him for hours and hours trying to get all the information we can get. He told us Tokyo is walking distance from here. He told us to head north and follow a dirt trail then we will reach Tokyo. I was scared and still sad that we couldn't find Zay. We told him we couldn't leave without Zay so he agreed to help us look for him. We all decided to search around for him. We walked for hours and hours finding nothing that gives us an idea of where he is. I feel depressed, shaken, and scared. I feel trapped and like there is no where to go. Like we are all just going to die soon. We were being wiped out one by one. I just can't take this in...

Amara PoV
I can't do this anymore. I escaped the CDC but ended up with some group of guys at a motel. The motel is broken down and there is no where to go. We are stranded. It's me and one girl that seems quiet. She has been abused and raped. You can see that she is ready to just drop dead. I wonder where Mateo and the others have gone to. I'm not going to be anywhere near them. The guys are talking about going to the safest clinic zone. They won't tell me where it is. I feel scared and feel like there's nobody to lean on.
???: Come here baby
Amara:I'm not your fucking baby
???: missing your boyfriend? Haha
Amara:..just leave me alone please
???: No can do Amara.
Amara: Fuck you John
John: What was that?
Amara: Nothing.
John: Come here
Amara: Why?
John:Come HERE
*Amara gets up and john pushes himself into her*
Amara: Stop please!
John: You see that walker?
Amara: Yeah.
John: Go and kill him for me. Now.
Shamiqua POV
We are heading back to the church. We just saw ribbons and ribbons. I asked the priest what were they for.
Shamiqua: Um priest sir, why are there so many ribbons.
Priest: Young lady, I advise you not to ask me any questions but since you are so curious and we have a long walk ahead of us I'll tell you. This is called the suicide forest. When somebody's depressed, feel like they can't do anything right and feel that they are lonely they head to this very forest. They are not sure about their decision of ending their life yet so they get a ribbon and walk along while the ribbon leaves a trail behind them. They do not know where they are going but they continue to walk until they make there final decision. Then they either turn back around and follow the ribbon trail or they end their life right there. I have experienced this once before. My wife was depressed for weeks after her mother and father died in a tragic accident. We were happy before that. We had one 5 year old daughter and lived in a beautiful house along the Japanese hills with a beautiful view of Tokyo. But that all changed in only one day. She decided she was ready to take her walk along in these woods. She didn't want to die along so she took our 5 year old daughter with her. She came into these woods and walked along with a purple ribbon. She then stopped and shot our daughter and took one to the head for herself. I miss them so much but we have to leave the past behind us.
Shamiqua: I'm so sorry.
Mateo: Let's just walk in silence until we get to the church please.
Ayleo: Agreed.

Kanye PoV
We reached the church and decided to rebuild the barriers since they are broken down. But I constantly heard some noise coming from the locked door. I decided to speak up and the priest just cut me off and said that there was nothing down there. I took out my gun and pointed it to his head and told him to unlock it. He walked slowly over to the door and he unlocked it. It was dark but there were stairs down at the bottom. I told everybody to get behind me and I told the priest to move ahead. He did slowly and we reached to a underground basement and it was only one room filled with
Candles. I looked around and saw a kid 2 girls and Zay hanging by chains from the roof
Shamiqua: Zay!
Mateo:What the fuck !
Zay: Help....
Mateo POV
I can't believe what is saw. This priest was against us this whole time. I shot the priest in the head and everybody was upset about it because we needed more information about Tokyo but I didn't care. I was so upset. After we got everybody out we headed down the road and we were on a hill and we finally saw Tokyo. It's finally time...

Will killing the priest affect the group?
Find out on the next episode of Till The End!

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