Green Words | Tim Drake

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Imagine watching the one you are positive belongs with you fall for someone else. Next, try coming from the future where soulmates exist and are a common part of daily life. Now add the fact that he doesn't have a clue that the words on your wrist were his, not a tattoo, and that they should mean more than anything to the both of you.

But they don't.

Tim and Cassie's hands always found a way to intertwine. It didn't matter where they were: briefing, in the bio ship, or just hanging out around the Watchtower. And it sucked. Royally.

Bart knew; the two of us future kids together, working for a world that didn't exist where we came from. He was the most sympathetic about it; while Kaldur somewhat knew what was going on, he did not understand what it was like to KNOW. to know that you were supposed to be together and that you'd never get the chance.

'Well, I've been a tremendous jerk.' The words were not common, no one said them to me by accident unless they were reading my soul words out loud. It was impossible to mistakenly say them without it meaning you were to be mine, according to the powers that be, or whomever had this twisted sense of humor, to make my soulmate love some other girl instead of me.

Fairytales don't exist here.

Dick was generally pretty cool to talk to about it. He didn't treat me like I was broken, or like I was wrong to believe in something that did not yet exist, that wouldn't exist or hold meaning for years.

The words burn while he's with her, a constant, deep green reminder of everything I could have. I don't have him. I never will.

Black Canary wants me to tell him. Lord forbid he knows I am unconditionally in love with him because of six little words.

"(y/n), mission briefing in five, suit up and get ready to roll!" Bart speeds in to tell me, already in his new Kid Flash uniform, breezing through the room faster then my eyes can comprehend.

Bart, one of my favorite people in the world. What I would do without him in this time I hate to imagine. He's been steady, a solid point of focus for me. His positive attitude, however strong of a mask it was, generally fell away when he and I were alone. we had lived in the same timeline, though mine was about a decade before him.

I slid on my suit, a technicality of my time here; being a superhero was all part of the deal. You either were a threat or an ally. There was no in between. Not that I had any superpowers, though, I heard that those were optional. I just had the two stun guns I had brought with me from the future, and an advanced knowledge of past - now modern - technology.

Whatever came next was always hard to tell. Sometimes briefing actually meant forced group therapy, and as I walked to the main room of the Watchtower, I found a circle of chairs meant that this was going to be one of those days.

Team building with Black Canary and Nightwing. So much fun.

"So, the first exercise is simple enough. Tell everyone here one thing about you that no one would guess," Nightwing smirks, and looks pointedly at me.

"It doesn't have to be anything serious, just something simple," Black Canary cut in, giving Nightwing a withering look.

"I'll go!" Bart exclaimed, his feet already tapping the floor in a blur.  "I'm pretty sure I'm bisexual, like I'm not sure exactly what it means, but I like boys and girls, and in the future that's totally crash, so it really doesn't matter, but there you go!"

(I don't normally add music, but this is too perfect not to use)

"We'll just go around the circle from there, then, does anyone have anything to say to Bart?"

"That's pretty cool, hermano," Jaime said from the other side of Bart, and I thought I saw a hint of a blush in his cheeks.

I was next, and Nightwing was still giving me that pointed look that said, 'You know what you need to tell them.'

Sighing, I pulled off my gloves and rolled my spandex sleeve back to reveal my wrist.

"So, I'm sure you've all seen my words," I began, rubbing them idly. "In the future, everyone has some. We call them, well, we call them soul words. The idea is that they're the first words your soulmate says to you."

At this point I was peeking around the circle at Cassie and Tim. Neither was paying any attention to me, so I continued.

"They change colors based upon what your soulmate is. They're black before you meet them, turn silver if they die, turn red when you meet them, and then turn green if they fall in love with someone else. Mine are green, which means I've met him, but he's in love with someone else."

I smirk back at Nightwing.

"None of you have soul words, well Bart does, but he's not exactly from this time. So here I am! My soulmate doesn't know about soulmates. Talk about relationship status 'complicated.'"

I smiled around the room at everyone, "Any questions?"

"So, you know who he is?" Megan asked, and looked sympathetic.


"Do you want to tell us?"

"It won't change anything. Besides, he didn't care enough to listen."

I stood to leave, but Black Canary stopped me, "You know you don't have to tell us. Just sit back down."

"No, it's fine. Hey, Cassie?" I didn't wait for her to look up, "Have fun with that one. Be warned, I've heard that he can be a 'tremendous jerk.'" I said, holding my wrist up for the world to see.

I side stepped Black Canary and walked back to my room.

I was officially done with this time period. Let's build another time machine and get back where I belong. The future, where my words are silver and none of this matters anyway.


Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this one! Sorry about the not necessarily happy ending, but the Tim/Cassie fans scare me. A lot.

Like, they terrify me. Almost as much as the BirdFlash fans.

Requests are always open. PM NyxShade, Bastanubis29, or JazzMissJazz. We'll try to get to your request as soon as possible.

If you have a ship you want a story for, check out our other book, "Once Upon a Oneshot", which is for only ships.

Thanks for reading!

Always and Forever, Bastanubis29

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