Chapter 2 - Sick Or Lovesick?

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I savoured the warmth of the chamomile tea. Placing the cup back onto the saucer.

"Thank you Andrews"

"My pleasure Miss Knight. It is so rare we get the pleasure of a young persons visit."

I smiled. I liked Andrews, he was polite and very grandfatherly. He reminded me of my grandfather who passed away a few years ago. I swallowed the lump in my throat. It was time to get down to business.

"So how is James doing? I heard he's still in bed."

"Yes Master James has finally gotten over the worst. He has finally got his appetite back."

"Would you mind bringing him up his afternoon lunch? I'm afraid the time has slipped away from me."

I looked down at my empty cup, "well..."

"Oh dear me! My greatest apologies. I'm sure you must have many other things to attend to."

I looked into his kind and sincere eyes. I immediately felt extremely guilty.

"No it's fine. I'll bring it up." I took the tray from his hands.

"Are you sure Miss?" Andrews looked unsure.

I smiled nodding. My soft velvet brown boots clicked as I climbed each step, careful not to tilt the tray.

I stopped at the door with a huge J and D carved into the middle.

Well at least he's honest... I muttered to myself.

I knocked lightly. The sound seemed to echo throughout the whole place.

"James? Are you there?"

I peaked into the dark room, the only light was coming from a phone charger on the wall.

There was the gentle sound of breathing coming from the canopy bed on the farthest wall.

His chest rose and fell in a slow rhythm, there was the occasional cough, and sweat glistened on his face.

There was no doubt in my mind. Even sick, James Diamond was drops dead gorgeous.

"James.." I whispered.

He stirred and turned slightly. I held my breath and until his breathing returned to normal.

I placed the tray on the bedside table and turned toward the door.


I froze and turned. He was still sound asleep. Well his moms french, maybe he just really loves Christmas...

"Like what you see?" This time a smirk was imminent on his closed eye face.

I turned so he wouldn't see the blush on my face. "I...uh..I mean Andrews.. Sent me up to bring your lunch.."

I pointed speechless to the tray with the chicken noodle soup, turkey wrap and glass of water.

He sat upright resting on his elbows. "So nurse what's my diagnosis?"

"Three days to live"

"I better write my will. I leave all my money to Frisky."


"The cat"

"Why a cat?"

"Why not?"

We both started laughing.

He dozed off again and I quietly exited the room. I waved goodbye to Andrews. As I reached to open the gate I froze.

I frowned. What was I doing?Fraternizing with the enemy. I always had to remind myself.


I kept walking. Ignoring the pain in my chest, oblivious to the tears in my eyes, uncaring to the silhouette that was watching me from the window.

I really hate him.

I have to.

Yes I turned the drama on. Honestly if you could understand my jumbled brain, you would know I love a love hate situation. I have many things planned for Noelle and James.

Always write what you want.


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