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It was mere weeks until the first episode would be shot. Myers worked closely with Whithouse to develop the character she originally created, even allowing him to alter details. In the end, they created the youngest actual companion (Ace was around 16-17 at her initial travelling, and Young Amelia Pond doesn't count.), with a cocky atitude but a low self esteem. The script was set, 12's costume was ready, lines were learned, Jenna Coleman was fabulous in a cute little dress. And the world was about to meet Olivia Griffin, 15, in the first episode of Series 8, Noontime.


Olivia Griffin was having a bad day.

First of all, she slept through her alarm. Secondly, some robots called Cybermen were invading Earth.

"Shite." She mumbles, haphazardly pulling on jeans and a rumpled flannel shirt. Her caramel-brown hair is thrown into a bun. She runs through the house, grabbing her knapsack and pulling on red converse. "9:30!" She shouts in the empty house, running out into the street. "I'm dead. I'll have a detention now."

The teenager stops hin her tracks, widening her amber eyes. The street was empty but the sky was full of starships. "No way." Olivia murmurs under her breath. "I'm hallucinating from lack of sleep." She hurries down the road, trying to make it to class before she missed her Algebra test.

That's when she saw the first Cyberman. At the first glint of the silver armor, she ducked behind a bush on the median. Through the foilage she watched a squadron march away, towards a factory that had just sprung up in the distance. Olivia struggled to keep her breathing quiet but her heart beats eratically. That's when she saw the blue box land. A bwooshing noise filled the street and a blue, 1950's styled police box appears on the street corner out of nowhere.

"So robots of an unknown origin are marching around my neighbourhood, and a Police Box just appeared out of nowhere.... I'm obviously either lucid dreaming or in danger. Best possible solution? Police Box. Now." Olivia debates with herself before sprinting the block and stopping in front of the large box.

Her curved fist raps the door lighty four times. A man in a suit, that didn't seem to fit him pops his head out.

"Yes?" The strange man asks.

"Your box here appeared from the sky and it seems like the safest alternative. Silver robot men are the only thing I have seen fo the last," She checks her mobile, "10 minutes exactly. Could you help, possibly, by any chance? Cos you are the first human I've seen since I woke up."

The man looks at her in surprise, "Cybermen? Where is this?"

Olivia crosses her arms, "Camden. And yeah. I think that's what they said, a little war cry and all."

"Not America?" He asks.

"Nope. Greater London Burough #11." Olivia shifts her weight. "Can you possibly help or will I have to hide in a basement for the next 36 hours because school is obviously out of the question."

The man steps out. "I think I can help." A young woman, of about 25, follows him out of the box. Olivia raises an eyebrow. "I'm the Doctor. " He continues, "At least, I think so. Still trying to get sorted."

Olivia cocks her head to the side and looks at the woman who looked as confused as she was, but ten times as visably shaken. "I'm Clara." She says softly. Tears had streaked her face, but she was very pretty.

"Olivia Griffin. Now, robots are ravaging Earth." The Doctor begins walking towards the factory and Clara and Olivia scurry after the older man. "I think we should find some guns or--"

"I don't do guns." The Doctor interjects.

"Alright, well are anyother ballistics on the table? Like what do you expect to do? Chat with them?" Olivia questions.

"Precisely." He nods. Olivia glances at Clara.

"Who is this guy?" She mouths.

"I'm not sure anymore." Clara mouths back. Olivia looks forward and nods firmly. Brilliant. She pulls out her mobile and dials her mum's number.

"Olivia!" Her mum shouts into the phone.

"Hi Mum, yes I am going to save the world with two people I've never met because aliens have invaded and also I'm late for school and won't be going today. I love you, bye."

"I love you too--," Her mum says before Olivia hangs up.

The Doctor seizes both girls' hands and pulls them behind a wall. He puts a finger to his lips with wild eyes. The distinct sound of metal clashing against asphalt grows nearer.

Olivia grows tense. She looks to the two adults for instructions or guidance. No such luck. The horrible sound fades and the Doctor pulls them around the corner again, running for the factory.

"God, I need to participate more in gym." She pants as I try to keep up.

Clara sprints in her plaid skirt as Olivia tries to catch up. The Doctor was far ahead of both of them.After a few minutes, the trio presses their backs along the brick wall.

"What's the plan?" The teenager asks. Clara shakes her head in a warning, tossing her dark brown hair.

"Plan? Oh yes, planning. Don't have one." the Doctor annouces.

And with that, the throws open the doors of the factory, and strides in, like he owned the place.

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