Fan Reception

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A/N: Hullo! Sorry if my cybermen fighting skills sucked total kidneys. I had no idea how to take down robots in a non-redundant way BBC hasn't done 700+ times. Anyway, this is a reality chapter. Enjoy. And I disn't know which media site/source to use so I picked Huffington.

The fans were estactic for a new episode, and when it hit the screens, the internet went crazy. One of the oldest Doctors and youngest companions? Some people didn't like it, of course. Would Olivia actually become a companion? When were the Doctor and Clara gonna talk?! Whouffle was life! What could the writers possibly have in store for series 8 next?


An interview with the young actress playing Olivia Griffin:

Kiah Myers sits in the Huffington Post Entertainment Lounge for her first interview. She was wearing the outfit in the link below: A galaxy dress, ("I thought I'd get in the Space Travel mood."), with a cardigan and leggings. Around her neck was a small Gallifrean fob watch she got off of Etsy. I complimented it instantly.

KM: Yeah, I have loads of nerdy stuff that I nonchalantly wear.

JC: I'm sure the fans appreciate it! Speaking of fans, we heard you were a fangirl yourself?

KM: I am most definitely a fangirl. It is the only reason I am sitting here now.

JC: Since you are a fangirl, who's your favourite Doctor?

KM: Well the Doctor is one person. That's my general response. But probably John Hurt, the War Doctor. I love dragons. (That's a Merlin reference)

JC: *laughs* That's a good way to put it. Have you seen any Classic Who?

KM: I've seen a handful. I want to watch them all, and I'm working on it. I love Paul McGann though. He was flawless!

JC: Sylvester McCoy was my Doctor probably. But I love David Tennant.

KM: If I met David Tennant, I'd give him a high-five. If I met Sylvester McCoy, I'd probably bow. Heck, I'd bow to Tennant too. They're amazing actors.

JC: How is it working with Peter Capaldi?

KM: He's hilarious. We hit it off right away. Peter is like the uncle I never had. The cool uncle, not the creepy one. I owe everything to Peter just for talking to me.

JC: And Jenna-Louise Coleman?

KM: She's so pretty and funny. And gah! I just look up to her, I have since the Asylum of the Daleks. Clara's style and Jenna's are similar, and everyone knows Clara is fabulous!

JC: Would you consider Clara your favourite companion?

KM: Nope. Sorry Jenna. I love Rose Tyler, obviously. But Wilfred, Donna's grandad, is at the top of my list. My all time favourite is definitely Jack Harkness. *sighs*

JC: So John Barrowman then?

KM: Amazing. Incredible. Torchwood was a great, heart breaking show. I really want to work with Barrowman. I would be a little star stuck.

JC: Do you think Jack Harkness will return for an episode?

KM: I sure hope so! I can't say right now.

JC: Well thank you for coming, Kiah.

KM: Thanks for having me!

Myers is a very polite young lady. We here at the Huffington Post look forward to more adventures with Kiah in the cast.


Peter slaps his palm into Kiah's. "Way ta go mate!"

The girl grins, "Thanks! Everyone is so nice."

"Secretly, they hate us." Peter jokes, "They are f**king jealous!"

"I'd be jealous too. It's truly a miracle that this has all happened to me."

The pair walk onto the set of the next episode,

"Clara's Conflict" .

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