One Rainy Wish

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It's only a dream

I'd love to tell somebody about this dream

The sky was filled with a thousand stars

While the sun kissed the mountains blue

And eleven moons played across rainbows

Above me and you...

---- Jimi Hendrix, "One Rainy Wish"

I was walking across a field of lilacs with Dolly. Then all of a sudden, I heard these deep voices and everything became hazy. I passed out and my soul was lifted out of my body. I woke up and found myself at the gate of this really big sand castle in outer space. I saw these aliens that look just like me. Afrikan, eccentric clothing, and big curly afros. Then all of a sudden, I arrive at this beautiful psychedelic throne.

 I hear one of the deep voices say, "Enter the Gypsy Woman!" Then, this beautiful sister with this long flowing rainbow colored kimono like dress appears. The deep voice booms again, "Your majesty, this is Nine Satune Ghana Washington." She comes to me, grabs my hand, and then flies out of the castle. As we were flying, I realized we were getting larger and larger. We became so large that the planets were like basketballs. She grabbed Neptune, grabbed some blue dust from it and rubbed it on my forehead. She grabbed Mars, took some red dust from it, and did the same thing. She took a star and placed it in the center of my forehead. She grabbed my shoulders and told me, "You are now a Voodoo Child. You are the chosen one. There is nothing you can do about it." I said, "I understand and I understand that there's a duty that I must fulfill. I will do all I can to fulfill it."

"Then I woke up."

Cool Breeze said, "That dream was real gone."

Dolly said, "I was in your dream, baby?"

"Yeah, you were."

"Black aliens? Really Nueve?" A voice from behind me called. I knew the voice and saw the hand to match.

Juan "Speedy"Montoya. We called him Speedy because he talked and ran really fast. He was the fastest kid on the track team and the fastest talker in the school. A lot of people were scared of him and his gang

"Everybody knows that aliens are green."

"Not in my dream, they weren't. They looked just like me."

"Yeah? Well, did they play guitar and listen to Jimi Hendrix too?" He turned to his gang behind him and they laughed. 

"You're damn right." 

"Ooooh. He thinks that because he's having dreams about nigger aliens, he's the big man on campus. Get the fuck outta here, you space freak."'

I stood up. " I think that you should leave right about now. You're being disrespectful to me, my queen, and my comrades. So if you'll excuse me..."

"I don't know who you think you are --- ULGH!"

I grabbed him by his neck. " I think I am the big man on campus because I'm having dreams about AFRIKAN aliens. I also think I'm the big and bad motherfucker kicking your little scrawny ass in your nightmares. So back up before I really do damage." He ran off and his crew stood in fear. I bucked at them and they ran off. Some of them fell. There was a little applause in the lunch room. 

Cool Breeze said, "Yeah! That's my main man Nine! You must've really blown your top if you even think about crossing him!"

Ringo said, "I don't mean to shorten your victory parade, bro. But let's get back to this dream. I kinda wanna go to this space castle and meet this Gypsy Woman queen lady."

Dolly said, "Yeah baby, how do we get there?"

"Well I have to go back tonight to see if there's a way to figure out if you guys can come along."

"What do you mean, 'You'll have to go back?' I have to go with you! I'm your girlfriend!"

Cool Breeze and Ringo said, "Yeah! And we've been your best friends since kindergarten!"

"I'll have to get permission from the Gypsy Woman first, you guys. There's rules and regulations to this. I can't just bring guests all willy nilly. Listen. I'll try and reason with her and see if you guys can come along."

Dolly said, "Ok you better. Cause if you don't, we're breaking up."

"And we're not gonna be your friends anymore."


I had a big predicament on my hands. And I went to the only person I could talk to about it, my dad.

I told him the whole story and he stopped me when I started talking about the Gypsy Queen.

"Did you just say the Gypsy Queen?"

"Yeah... Why?"

"There's something that I've been meaning to tell you."

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