Our Sweet Memories

296 12 9

Late Christmas one shot


"Hey Sasuke, can you help me string the lights on the tree?" I peered around our small pine tree that sat beside the big window in our new house, to look at Sasuke, who was reading his favorite novel over again by the fireplace.

This was Sasuke and I's first Christmas together ever since we got married. It was pretty exciting, well for me anyways...

"Sasuke pleaseee. I cant reach around the back of the tree." Sasuke stopped reading his book and looked over at me with his usual emotionless expression.

I sighed and jumped down from the stool I stood on to make myself taller, so I'd be able to reach the top of the tree. Sasuke sat his book down on the coffee table and walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I love you Naruto." I felt myself blush when he let his lips softly caress my neck. Every place he touched, felt like it was on fire, and the feel of his lips lingered even though they were not there anymore.

I smiled and pulled back, so I could kiss him on his cheek. Sasuke's skin was always so soft and clear; I have to admit that I'm a little jealous of him.

"I love you too Sasuke. Now can you please help me with the lights." I pulled out of his arms and grabbed the string of white lights and began wrapping the, around the tree.

Sasuke smiled at me and grabbed the other end, wrapping it around on his side and then handing it back to me.

"You're such a child, but it's cute so I'm not complaining." I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed the second string of lights from the box.

This time when I went to give them to Sasuke, our fingers touched. Even when we've been together al this time, the small things still give me butterflies in my stomach.

"Hey Naruto, Can I ask you something." Sasuke plugged the lights into the wall and began adding ornaments gently to each limb of the tree. I stopped and looked at him with a worried look because Sasuke never asks me questions.

"Um..Sure.." I then grabbed a few red ribbons from the box that held all our decorations, and began tying them to every other branch.

"Why did you decide to marry me?" I froze in place and dropped all the ribbons I had left on the floor, while Sasuke just continued adding silver and red balls to the tree.

"Are you stupid or something? Why would you even ask me that? It's because I love you." Sasuke finished up the décor and walked over to me softly hitting my head with back of his hand.

"I know that dobe, but why did you choose me?"

"Well why wouldn't I choose you. Yeah of course you may have been an asshole at first, but you grew on me and I'm pretty sure I grew on you as well. I still remember when we confessed to each other.

We were both so embarrassed, yet too scared to say anything. I mean, who wouldn't be? Anyways, I still think that was the first time I ever saw you blush. It was very cute." I stifled a small laugh as I watched the heat rise to Sasuke's face.

"Well what about you. Why did you choose me." I smiled up at him and wrapped my arms around his waist, burying my face in his neck.

"Well let me see here...Where should I start. Well to begin with, I'll be honest and say I really hated you when we first met," I pulled away from him, still keeping my arms in place on his waist, and gave him a small pout, "But, like you said, I began to grow fond of you."

"Every little thing you did to become closer to me, warmed my heart and changed me for the better. You thought you were just annoying me, but you weren't. Even so, you keep trying, and eventually I fell in love with everything about you, every flaw, your personality, and adorable whiskers that add cuteness to your appearance. I just love you so much, and trust me when I tell you this, you are my everything. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Once Sasuke finished his speech, as you probably could have already guessed, I was in tears. Sasuke may not show his emotions very often, but when he does, I'm able to tell he means every word.

"I love you so much. If I'd known you would have given me a big speech like that, I would told you more reason why I love you." Sasuke smiled yet once again leaving me stunned with butterflies in my stomach because I knew that only I got to see this side of him.

"That isn't necessary . It's getting late anyways, so if you want we can go straight to bed, or watch some movies together and cuddle until we fall asleep. Of course we can do that in the bed too, but I figured you'd want to watch that movie about the reindeer with the red nose." I shook my head and moved my hand to my hips.

"Shame on you Sasuke. You don't even know my favorite Christmas movie."

"Just be grateful I'm willing to watch it with you dobe."

"True, true."


Mmkay so I decided to make a book of one shots because sometimes I have ideas about something to write, but its not really enough to make a whole book out of. If you want you can leave suggestions about what you want me to write about in the comments or just message me about it, but make sure to tell me if you want it to be sasunaru or narusasu and whos point of view you want it to be in.

Comment/Vote and thanks for reading!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2017 ⏰

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