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"Raindrops are the perfect lullaby"


Polaroid by Imagine Dragons


Authors note:
Warning, this is a filler chapter so may get very boring
lots of new characters will be introduced.
Enjoy xxx


chapter three

Walking home in the rain alone, tired, cold and wet was no fun at all. Ditching Jared, my ride home after school, was not my brightest idea and I am undoubtedly regretting it. Up ahead there stood a low tree dressed with an umbrella of leaves.

Yes, shelter!

I scurried over to the tree, not caring for the extent of puddles I had stomped through, and huddled under it hoping for the downpour to hopefully end soon.

Five minutes later. I sighed.
Ten minutes later. I huffed.
Twenty minutes later. I growled.

Still no sign of any chance that this rain will end. Numbness was unbearably starting to take over.

Just as I was beginning to lose all hope for the rain to ever finish, lights shone at the end of the road. One look at the car and I immediately recognised it as Sammy's. His pale green beetle pulled up at the curb just in front of me and he opened the passenger door, looking at me with all knowing eyes. A word needn't be said.

Dashing into the car, I suddenly became enveloped with warmth and a satisfied sigh escaped.

As the car accelerates forward I turn to Sammy with a smirk "Are you stalking me?"

"Oh my god, you have got to be kidding me?" He face palms.

"Why on earth would I kid about such a thing?"

"Because you think you're so funny." Sammy chuckles whilst rolling his eyes.

"Hmm, maybe." I drag out with mock suspicion.

Our banter continues as the drive to my house continues and by the time we reach our destination the rain has settled.

I feel like the rain is out to get me.

Exchanging goodbyes with Sammy, I thank him for the ride and then stroll up the small path which leads to my house. It's only a small house, almost resembling a cottage, but it's home and a cosy one at that.

The smell of baking hits me as I enter and I venture into the kitchen to find the source. There in her little apron swaying the the beat of the song on the radio stands my Grandma. I walk over towards her and spot a bowl filled with cake mixture. She hasn't heard me yet so I tiptoe over towards the mix. Just as my finger makes its way into the bowl to scoop some out, my hand is smacked away by a wooden spoon.

"Get your filthy mitts out of their!" Grandma bellows.

"But it looks so good. Can't I just have a little bit? Please!" I frown.

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