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"I mean there is no problem with it" I argued with Danny

We was approaching the other guys at a crime scene.

"There's a big problem with it!" He huffed 

"Are you two still going on about the TV Steve bought?!" Lou complained 

"It was just unnecessary when we already had a perfectly working one" Danny replied 

"As much as I 'love' hearing you two bicker, you need to see this" Chin laughed 

Danny turned to me and said this conversation wasn't over, I knew it wasn't. We have been going on about it since last night. The time was currently 1 pm and it was Saturday. Work on Saturday is never good, it just drags somehow. We usually get this day off and HPD deal with cases but apparently they needed extra help, they probably just wanted us to go to work on our day off! 

Some days we do go to the office and have no case we need to deal with so we all catch up on case files and other things but that is only a few times a month. Kaleah is with Catherine this weekend, it's weird not having her home. I know she goes to sleepovers but she is usually home in the morning so it was a little strange not having her home this morning. 


It was Monday morning and me and Danny were in headquarters talking when we seen one of the palace guards walk in. 

"Your daughter is here" He told me 

She is meant to be at school! I told him to send her in here and he nodded. A few minutes later Kaleah walked in, she was in her uniform so she has either not gone or has walked out.

"You are meant to be at school so why are you randomly turning up here!" I said sternly 

"I was on my way to school and then just decided to come here instead. I kind of missed you two this weekend" She told us 

"As much as I love to hear you say that you should have gone to school, you would have seen us later on" I told her 

"Yeah I know but I didn't want to wait until later on"

Me and Danny smiled but we told her she had to go to school. Danny decided to go and take her so I gave her a quick hug before saying goodbye to them both. 

"Catherine didn't drop her off at school?" Chin said

"Apparently not, I will call her later" I smiled 

"Can we talk later? It's about Kono but anyways, Hank Jones was found dead in his hotel room. Max confirmed that he was shot with the same gun as our first victim. Jerry is currently trying to find if these two have any connection with one another or even a same business partner"

I nodded and we then got a call from Lou.

"Oh hell no! You guys need to get your asses here! Me and Kono need back-up" He sassed and hung up

I just looked at Chin and we both laughed, Lou is so funny and cocky it's unreal!


Once our day was finished me and Danny said goodbye to everyone and began to head out. Before we left I heard Chin call me, I remembered he wanted to talk to me.

"I need to speak to Chin so I will meet you in the car?" I smiled and Danny nodded 

I headed into Chin's office and sat on his sofa that was in here. It was pretty comfy. 

"I know you are close with Kono so I thought I would ask you to speak to her. I have tried asking what is going on with her at the moment but she just tells me not to worry about it and that she is perfectly fine. I know when she is lying, I am just worried about her Steve" He explained 

"I know you are buddy. I will talk to her tomorrow for you, first thing. Whatever it is Kono will be okay, she has all of us here for her if she needs us. I better get going before Danny gets impatient and we need to go get Kaleah but see you tomorrow" I smiled

We had a quick hug before I left, Chin normally stays behind for an extra half hour so he will lock up headquarters. Once I got out to the car Danny began to drive, I knew he would drive since he got to the car first. Some days we will race to the car and I bet people think we are right weirdos. Most days I will take my truck because as much as Danny doesn't like it, I love it.

When we had gotten home, Kaleah went to shower and put her things away from the weekend. Me and Danny were currently in the kitchen making dinner. I was coating some chicken in egg and breadcrumbs but I got a little bored and decided to threw an egg at Danny.

"There's the inner 5 year old" He said, rolling his eyes

I laughed and went over to hug him when he threw one straight back. That is when a mini food fight started, eggs and breadcrumbs flying round the kitchen. When we had finally got the chicken in the oven we began to clear the mess up. 

"I now need to go and shower" I laughed

"But so do I!" Danny whined

"Come on then, it will be quicker if we shower together" I told him smirking 

He smiled stupidly and we headed upstairs and into our bathroom. Kaleah was doing something in her room, she had Little Mix playing pretty loud so she is probably dancing around her room like usual! 

*Updateeee, will check for any mistakes soon!* 

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