The Fallen

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It falls silent, "I will ask again, why is your heart full of shadows?" Asks spirit, her voice is scary, but my answer is cut short when I see him, hes leaning against a wall, he looks at me with his blue green eyes, I'd know those eyes anywhere, it's Conor, "c-conor? Is that you?" I say, he looks at me.. "L-Lula?!" He says in shock, I tear up and run over to him and hug him, he hugs back. "A-after the fire, I thought you where dead, and Emmily.." He says sadly, "I've missed you," I reply, I look up at him and see his smile, i stop myself from blushing. As a back out of the hug, I notice spirit looking at me.. She's still scaring me.. Liz has silver armor on and a scythe on her back, spirit is wearing a white shirt, and shorts with a long orange coat, Conors whereing blue combat armor,

"Conor.. What are you doing?" Says Liz. She look kinda worried, like she knows something I don't, "I'm talking to my friend." He replies I looks at Liz, I wonder what she knows, and what Liz and spirit are hiding from me.. "Is everything ok?" I ask, "everything is fine." Says Liz, Conor looks down, I know somethings wrong.. 

"Conor..come here please." Says Liz, "that girls heart is full of shadows, she's dangerous" I looks at Liz as she's talking, "I'm only dangerous if you make me," I have an angry tone in my voice, "only demons have shadowy hearts." Says Liz "and unless she's just an evil villain, then she's a demon" says Liz I growl and my fangs show and my claws come out, "I'm not evil," I say, as I take Conors hand and walk away with him.

 We go into a small ally, "are you ok Conor?" I ask, "n-no.. I'm not, I'm a monster, I didn't know back when I met you or I would have stayed away from you" he says "Conor, if anyone's the monster I am, I just.. I just left.. After the fire, I-I didn't know what to do.. Emmily.. I could have saved her if I just tried" i say as I start to cry, "I-I could have saved her to.. Lula.. I'm a fallen angel," he says, I always knew he wasn't human, I knew because he ate the magic candy with us, so I knew he was special, I just didn't know he was a fallen angel,  I look at Conor "your galaxy eyes are just as stary as ever." He says, I start to blush but I stop myself, I hug Conor. I feel the blade go through my back and my back,and the blood pour out of the wound, I know who cut me.. I felt the shape of the blade, I quickly spin and claw the persons face and there glowing red blood stains my claws. 

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