Chapter 11

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"HA!" I said, looking down at Madame Shaw on the floor after I had just knocked her down. She looked up at me and smiled. She fished a phone out of her pocket and muttered a couple of words into it. Then to me,

"Well done, Ash. I knew you had it in you. Your training here is now over. Well done."

I smiled shyly, "Thanks."

"Now. You were the last to complete your training, since you had more advanced training than everyone else and you were here so recently. Now, if you could very kindly report to the common room for me, that would be great."

I nodded, and bowed, the correct way to show respect to the sensei.

On the way down the corridor, I bumped into River.

"Where were you?" He said, looking relieved. "You never usually take this long in your training sessions. I was just looking for you."

I grinned at him, "I finished my training, River! I floored Madame Shaw! She just told me to report to the common room so I am on my way there now."

"Wait, you floored Madame Shaw? How? Usually only the strengths and the Speeds can do that!"

I opened my mouth to answer but I was interrupted by a wailing pounding out of the speakers, forcing us to cover our ears with our hands. It quieted and a message blasted out to all students.

"All spirituses must report to the common room. There is an important announcement to be made. Refusal to comply will result in harsh penalties."

"Everyone?" I shouted as the wailing got louder again. "Surely we won't all fit?"

River shrugged.

"I don't think we should go, to be honest." He said. "It sounds kind of dodgy to me."

"Well," a voice said behind us. "I see now why they made me come after you."

"Tasha." I said. "Why are you here?"

"To make sure that the both of you get to the common room. They had doubts about whether you two would go."

"Well, you can't make us go. I have a bad feeling about it and we don't want to take any chances."

Tasha scowled.

"I could easily kick your butts, and you know it."

"Well, I've just finished my advanced training!" I said proudly.

Tasha snorted. "Advanced training, ha. As if that matters to me. I am a strength Spiritus, in case you've forgotten. And I know you, Ash. I lived with you for a year and a bit. I can anticipate your every move. Go for it."

"Wait," I said, puzzled, "a year and a bit? I knew you for 13 years, you were there when I was left. How is that one and a bit years?"

Tasha cursed under her breath and bit her lip.

"Story for another time. Now go."

We started walking along the corridor and I asked Tasha about the common room meeting.

"It is meant to be classified, but I'll tell you. You are about to be sent off on your initiation."

"What?" I said, "But I'm not ready yet!"

I stopped suddenly and faced Tasha, crossing my arms.

"Make me go."

"Fine," Tasha said with a sigh. "I didn't want it to come to this but-" She swung her fist at my stomach and I blocked and counter attacked, smashing her in the ribs.

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