Chapter Three

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The sweet scent of cinnamon smothered the girls as soon as they entered. The warmth of the bakery gave the small shop a inviting factor. The old fashioned appearance made the shop very heartwarming, as well popular. Catherine smiled

“where's my sugar mama?” Amiras sister yelled and all the bakers stuck their heads out of the kitchen to see


In seconds catherine was on the ground in a bear hug “where have you been?”

“I have been around my friend. Meet Amira. Dear sister meet Francesca. She's been a lovley help to us when it comes to receiving pastry” in a whisper voice she also added “and to help satisfy my small addiction with sweets”

“Its an honor to meet the one who strives with this hyper young woman” Francesca gave a small giggle, causing catherine to roll her eyes. Amira took the time to study her appearance. Shoulder length blonde hair with big friendly brown eyes and a warm smile. She wore an apron like all the other bakers in the shop.

We gave her the money we had left, and she ran into the back pulling out a beautifully made basket with very fine white cloth resting inside. She neatly set in the deliciously scented pastry that made both Amira and catherine fawn over. Pulling out another sheet of the cloth- she covered the pastry.

“You didn't have to give away such fine material to a simple order! Its beautiful”

“Only the finest for you dearest!” she handed her the basket with a bright smile “It’s cold out, be careful. I can't have my friend becoming an ice block!” she had as much energy as Catherine, but attempting to not be nosey Amira stayed out of the little reunion and continued to look at the pastry on display till it was time to part.

“She seemed excited to see you” Amira surely got affected in some way, she felt more happier than ever. Her sisters smile made her smile, the beautiful basket holding sweet treats, the shopping all done in a single day- and it was snowing.

“Oh yes, we haven't seen each other in quite some time. She moved farther out to be closer to the bakery two years ago. Francesca seems to be doing just fine and made the
Boulangerie wonderful”


“Bakery in french. Her accent is wonderful, isn't it?” Catherine looked a little disoriented trying to find the exact path we took before. The snow covered the ground causing all the little markers that showed us the sign we came from there and buried beneath the already an inch of snow

“It’s fascinating, she came all the way to come here?” Amira questioned

“Yes, she used to tell me stories of how it's not as amazing as some make it out to be, Just a regular place. She likes alaska more due to how different it is” she pauses for a moment “that doesn't mean france is not beautiful, it definitely is! But the open parts of alaska appeal to her more than all the shops snug as a bug in a rug all in one spot” the thought of being in this tightly packed area sent chills down Amiras body.

“How could anyone live like that?” Amira questioned

“They grow up knowing how to cope with it maybe, not quite sure myself” Catherine was lost in deep thought

Till she tripped on a branch

“Hey! I don't remember that being there before” catherine was sitting in the ground, her foot still caught underneath the branch. Amira was peering over her with her head tilted

“Are you okay?” she helped Catherine back up “I don't remember that branch either.. Would have remembered you tripping over it” the sister gave a smile then punched Amira in the arm

“You probably seen it and didn't warn me” Amira rolled her eyes at the comment and kept walking through the snow, forgetting they have no sense of direction at this point. Catherine followed after.

“Terribly sorry that I don't have instinct to see into the future, to know when ones in danger. But I did receive the ability to not trip over that branch in front of you”

“Huh? What do yo-”
When Amira looked back she seen noone

But when she looked down, a wild Catherine appeared with her foot caught in another branch face down on the ground. A deep muffled sigh came from the huge parka.

“I warned you that time!” with that she took the basket of goodies from the thick gloves and continued on down the invisible path.



“Amira look!” she turned around to see her sister face to face with a wolf. She stared wide eyed at the animal. The animal was huge, bigger than the huskies they have seen. Long thick fur, the hair fluffed up on the back. a light gray coat around the lower half. The back and part of the forehead was a darker gray. It looked more scared and hungry than anything, and it was standing in front of two meals. It was no longer focusing catherine who laid frozen in fear on the ground, but Amira who was standing just a few feet away. It stared into her eyes.

“Amira.. Don't move”

The wolf came closer to Amira, then howled a long and spine-shivering sound. The howl seemed to travel up the sisters bodies, especially catherine since the wolf was standing closer to her.

Minutes passed and not a single movement was made. Only the wind brushing the animal's fur. Catherine was breathing heavily, and made an attempt to move but the wolf only glanced back, causing her to be emobile once again.

Next thing they knew footsteps came running. For a second they thought they would be saved, but then quickly realize that they were too fast to be a humans. Only a four legged animal, and many of them. Catherine gained the courage and rushed out of the clinging branch and ran to Amira. The wolf scurried to where the footsteps came from.

Catherine and Amira stood with each other faced with a pack of six big hungry wolves.

“We should have listened to mother” Amira whispers, catherine nods at the statement.

Amira stared into the eyes of the six animals. They got closer. Without thinking, Amira stood up straight and tall

One of the wolves walked up to her carefully, his eyes not leaving hers. He started to sniff the air around her, then slowly got closer. He wasn't in any position to attack, but he is still dangerous. The wolf sniffed her hand laying on her side, then circled the two sisters finally breaking eye contact. The wild just seemed to be getting colder and the snow didn't falter, if anything it started to snow more. At this rate it will soon become a blizzard. Amira and catherine both looked back at the wolf, and he went back to his pack.

They looked uninterested, and even a few started spreading out not bothering to look back. The wolf they first met was already almost out of view.

With one last large howl, the whole pack was gone.

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