Chapter 39

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You and ryan rented an apartment

"What happened?" ryan asked you

"Brendon broke up with me" you said trying not to cry

"B/f/n cheated on me with chris" ryan said

"So we both heart broken" you said

"Yeah we are" ryan said crying


Chris texted dallon

Chris: B/f/n is crying in her room and Ryan and y/n both went to an apartment together heart broken

Dallon: perfect now make b/f/n better if you want her to love you again

Chris: okay and is brendon drunk yet?

Dallon: yup very drunk i will take him to my place and you stay with b/f/n at brendons house

Chris: okay got it

"Brendon you ready to go home?" dallon asked brendon

"NoPe" brendon said as he pours beer all over himself

"Okay we go to my place" dallon said winking

"YeS oF cOuREs" brendon said

Dallon took brendon by the hand and took him to the car and Dallon drove to his house

"Here we are at my house" dallon said letting brendon enter his house

"You got more beer Dally?" brendon asked

"Yes but you have to kiss me for it" dallon said

"Okay" brendon leaned over and kissed dallon

"Here is your beer" dallon said handing him the beer

"Thanks dally" brendon said as he opens his beer


Chris entered the room where b/f/n was crying

"I-im sorry b/f/n" chris said

"I will never have a chance with him again" b/f/n sais wiping her tears away

"Well im here if anything" chris said

B/f/n hugged chris and started crying again

"Ryan will never forgive me again!" b/f/n said in tears

"Shh its okay" chris said trying to comfort b/f/n


"Are you okay now ryan?" you asked

"Y-yeah maybe... Are you okay?" ryan asked

"N-no b-but i need to get over brendon now that he is with dallon" you said trying not to cry

"And i need to try to get over b/f/n" ryan said giving you a hug

"We will get over them... Soon" you said as you hugged back

"We will stay here as long as we need" ryan said

"What about the band?" you asked

"We still in it but we need to get over brendon and b/f/n before we get back into writing music" ryan said

"Okay" you said

*time skip when it's already at night*

"Y/n if you want ill sleep in the floor" ryan said

"No its fine you can sleep with me" you said

"It will be awkward" ryan said putting his hand in the back of his neck

"Maybe but i dont want you sleeping on the floor" you said

"Okay" ryan said as he gets on the bed


"Ugh what happen?" brendon said rubbing his eyes

"You got drunk" dallon said

"Wheres y/n?" brendon asked

"She broke up with you" dallon said

"WHAT?" Brendon screamed

"Yeah she broke up with you and she said its better if me and you date" dallon said

"S-she did?" brendon said holding back his tears

"Yeah so now were dating" dallon said taking a sip of his coffee

"Oh" brendon said as he went to dallons bed and cried himself to sleep


B/f/n was still crying

"Shh its okay" chris said

"No it isn't chris... I lost ryan" b/f/n said still crying

"You have me now" chris said

"B-but im afraid to trust you because you cheated on me" b/f/n said

"No, no, no. Im a new person now. I wont cheat on you again" chris said but b/f/n didnt hear him. She fell asleep on chris's chest still in tears

I felt dramatic today

Heres a picture of the band group

Heres a picture of the band group

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