Chapter 3- Lucky D*mn Horse

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Chapter 3


I dribble the ball through my legs, around my body, stop and fake to the left before dribbling around my opponent and heading for a lay up.

Swish! I laugh and high five my best friend Cooper before turning to our opponents, Arden and Matt.

"That my friends is how you play basketball," they roll their eyes before jogging over to the bench where all of our bags are situated. Cooper and I follow them, and grabbing our water bottles, the conversation soon turns to the most popular topic of the school today- the new girl.

"Dude she is hot, but she's also a nerd. Smart and shit," Cooper says pulling a towel out of his duffel and wiping his forhead.

"You've seen her," I ask curiously as I take another swig from my water bottle. He nods looking at me and runs his hand through his now damp hair.

"Yeah had Bio with her this morning," he replies. Matt grabs his duffel and swings it over his shoulder.

"I have to go, see you guys tomorrow," we nod as he leaves. Now it is just me and my two best friends.

"What kind of hot is she though," Arden asks curiously as we all grab our duffels and head to my car.

"Yeah like, just hot or like tap that hot?" I ask miming what I was saying. Cooper laughs and Arden smirks and rolls his eyes.

"Tap that hot, definitely," I unlock the car door and we all climb in.

"Well now I am definitely going to have to meet this mysterious girl," starting the car I turn to Cooper who has taken his usual seat next to me, "What's her name again?"

"Winter," he answers. I smirk.

"Sounds virgin-y," I look in the mirror at Arden, "What do you think Arden?"

"Dude I think no matter what I say you are going to have laid that girl within the next week," he sighs I smirk and wink.

"Nice answer," I say before pulling out of the parking lot.


But I'm only human

And I bleed when I fall down

I'm only human

And I crash and I break down

Your words in my head, knives in my heart

You build me up and then I fall apart

'Cause I'm only human

I hum quietly to myself, my I phone in my back pocket and one ear bud dangling in front of me. I brush down Dipper, the absolutely adorable Appaloosa stallion, I have now claimed as my own. I wasn't expecting much from this barn as California does not seem like the most likely place to have horses, but I actually really like it. Of course today is only my first day and I have only been here for 2 hours. But still, good so far.

"Excuse me," a deep, husky voice says from behind me. I turn around and my heart jumps into my throat because standing in front of me is a guy that so perfectly embodies everything I look for that I swear the universe has been reading my diary.

"I- um- hi?" I stutter out. I mentally face palm. Great Winter, just great, way to sound stupid.

"Hi, I was just wondering if I could have my horse," he asks brushing his beautiful brown hair out of his eyes. I wish I could just run my hands through that luscious brown hair of his and down that chest that (based on the provaocative way his shirt is clinging to him) is oh so muscular and-

"Hello," he says smirking slightly. I snap out of my daze and, my face the approximate color of a ripe tomato, step aside before a thought occurs to me.

"Wait, your horse?" he walks over and pulls sugar cube out of his pants pocket and gives it to Dipper before patting him on the head and giving him a quick kiss on the snout. Lucky damn horse.

"Well no, I guess not really my horse, but I have been riding him for 2 years and I have some what claimed him as my own," I sigh.

"You and me both buddy," I say as I put the brush on the shelf and pulling out my iPhone, I turn off Christina Perri's beautiful haunting voice, "so obviously we are going to have to share," he quirks an eyebrow (hot) and smirks (hotter) before stepping forward and closing the space between us.

"You are very feisty aren't you," he says his warm minty breath fanning out over my face (on fire). I step around him and cock my hip to the right.

"You could say that," I continue, "but seriously, we are going to have to share him. He and I have really bonded."

"Alright well are you going to be coming at this time from now on?" I nod.

"Yeah for the most part," I reply brushing my hand across Dipper's head as he nudges me in the back.

"Good than things should workout like they did this time," he says stepping around me and untying Dippers reins from the fence post, "By the way,what's your name I haven't seen you around here before."

" and I just moved here two weeks ago from Tennessee," he nods.

"Cool, well I am Elliot. And, uh, I have lived here my whole life and if you ever want a tour, just give me a call," he says as he pulls his blackberry out of his back pocket and hands it to me. I do the same with my phone and after we exchange numbers, he climbs onto the horse and with a wink trots off.

Do you think it is possible to find your soulmate that quickly?

I do, cause that boy is definitely my soulmate.


See? I updated like I said! Sorry if this is a little short, but I am on a bit of a time crunch cause we missed all this school and shit.

But I made time for you guys! So love me!

Next update will be next Thursday! That one is going to be exciting- Brendon and Winter finally meet! Boy this is getting good :p

Luv yas,


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