Chapter 4: The Magical Escape💫

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Patricia finally woke up, but didn't know where the helk she was. She soon realized she was in a trunk. She was thrown into a small room from these people how I would call them, potato people.
"Where the **** am I?! And who the helk are you people??" Screamed Patricia trying to get out of the licorice ropes around her hooves.
"We are the protatoes. We kidnapped you because. YOU are the daughter of the king and queen here. And if we have you hostage we will have power over all of this land." Said the creepily grinning potato.
Patricia was scared and desperate. She then decided to try to escape with her magic. She focused really hard and managed to shoot some potato guards with her rainbow magicnessness. She ran through the small door and found her way to this mysterious forest. She was still very anxious from what just happened. She couldn't believe she actually used her powers. But, she decided to focus on something more important. Why in the world is she the daughter of the king and queen of this magical land in a hole? She had lots of things to think about. Then she heard a familiar voice.
"About time.." said the llama.
"Omgawd!! You're back! Please help me or of this place. You're the only person in this whole damn place I could trust." Exclaimed Patricia.
"Well, first I need to show you something." Said the llama gesturing into some mossy vines. They went through it and saw something amazing.
"Woahh. What is this place?!" Asked Patricia in amazement.
"The place where it all started." Explained the llama.

•Hai unipoops💩!! I'm the writer of this weird original series of "Patricia the chubby unicorn". I just want to say thank you for reading this weird crap and not telling me it's stupid even though it really is. I love you all which is basically only like 1 person because no ones reading this. Anyway, see y'all next time!!💓• ~Unicornsparkledreamz⚡️🦄🌈

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