19- He Made Me Do It

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19- He Made Me Do It

It was in no way fair that Niall was trembling with a cold blade to his neck. His loud sobs took such a toll on him that he could barely look Liam in the eye, to tell the boy how much he loves him.

"I'm gonna say it again, you stab your little boyfriend in the stomach or I will. And I won't make it quick." The nameless man threatened.

"Come on baby, it's okay. Do it." Liam whispered brokenly, with his own silent tears falling down his cheeks. Niall quickly shook his head; he couldn't. The blade pressed harder against the base of his throat, drawing blood. Niall let out a whimper and clenched his jaw, eyes closed.

"Niall it's okay. I love you, so much. Please don't cry, baby, wipe up those tears." Liam said. He wriggled his wrists uncomfortably around in the rope he was tied to. He barely pressed a small kiss to Niall's lips before the man tore them apart with a quick jerk.

"There h-has to be an-nother way." Niall tried with a voice crack, but the blade was just pressed even deeper and left drips of blood running to the collar of the boy's white tanktop. Yes, he would need stitches if he survived this.

"Do it, Niall. It's alright, please do it." Liam pleaded, eyeing how deep the blade was on Niall's red-stained neck.

"Do it or I will." The stranger reminded. Niall inhaled sharply, raising his trembling hand with the knife in it.

"I love you s-so much Liam." Niall whispered brokenly. He put his hand on Liam's cheek for a second, locking eyes with him. He begged Liam to see how much he loved him, and Liam did see because he gave the blonde a small nod.

With a whine Niall pulled the knife up in the air, and plunged it deep into Liam's gut causing a gasp to erupt from the boy. Niall released a strangled noise sounding distantly like a cry as he pulled away from the stranger to kneel in front of his boyfriend.

"L-Liam, Liam I am so sorry. S-So sorry, I'm sorry. He made me do it. He made me do it. He made me do it." Niall fell to the floor in front of Liam, suddenly feeling very light headed. He looked up at the love of his life to see blood dripping from his bottom lip, and a tired expression on his face. With blood still dripping steadily from his own throat, he slowly--painfully slowly, slipped from consciousness while whispering,

He made me do it. He made me do it. He made me do it.

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