27- Death

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27- Death

Liam walked down a hallway that was strangely all white, with shaking hands. Don't look back, Liam. Don't look back.

What was going on?

How did he get here?

All he could remember was being at that bloody party Zayn had dragged him to -Zayn had been pretty bad, too, where was he?-, and he remembered the gang members crashing it. It was foolish of Liam to try to protect everyone, he knows that now because obviously he wouldn't be in this white hallway walking away from his dead body. Don't look back.

As he walked further down, an opening was becoming visible. It was the transition from the boxed hallway to an endless opening of foggy white. An infinity, it seemed. No end was in sight.

His converse clad feet made no noise on the white surface as he walked on, and he suddenly felt like a stark contrast to the infinite world, dressed in a simple black shirt and jeans.

Liam nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw a boy with his back turned to Liam. He could not see the face of the boy, but he knew he was breathtaking. Gorgeous. His heartbeat sped, and he walked in slow steps as to not startle the boy who appeared to be shaking.

"Hello?" he asked softly, but the boy didn't move. He was in a white t shirt and jeans, with white shoes. His hair looked perfect, brown in the back and blonde on top, styled up on his head. There was no flaw to this boy, and Liam hadn't even seen his face yet. Then he noticed a scar on the back of the boy's neck right under his scalp, clean and simple, going straight up.

"Excuse me, are you alright?" Liam asked again, a few steps away from him.

This time, the shaking stopped..and so did Liam. He froze in place, heart pounding in anticipation as he waited for the boy to turn around and reveal himself.

The boy moved painfully slow, turning his body so he faced Liam. He stared at the ground, so Liam could not see his face. His hair cast shadows down upon it, though Liam could not place where the light was coming from. Pale arms hung free by his side, and Liam tried asking him again.

"Are you...okay?" He whispered. The boy lifted his face a fraction, and Liam could see a smile on his mouth, but his face was still cast in shadows. The smile turned into a grin, and Liam wondered what he was so happy about. He looked slack, tired, and exhausted. It was dead silent around the infinite room.

"I'm grand." The boy whispered, so quietly Liam almost didn't hear.

"I need your help, I need my army. I need my army, only you can help me. You will be mine, we shall rule the soulless together. We don't have time, no time." He shook his head furiously, though his face was still not visible.

"What is your name?" Liam asked, starting to worry for the boy. His head started lifting slowly, and Liam gasped once he saw his face. His eyes were completely black, with deep purple bruises under them. His heart was pounding, but he was frozen in place as he stared at the boy. He was still breathtaking, dangerous and soulless.

"Death." he grinned, maniacally, as if something was funny. His face screwed up in silent laughter, and his hand came up to hold in giggles.

Suddenly, he slashed at the back of Liam's neck under his scalp. He pulled back with blood dripping down his hand, and a small ball of light in his palm. Liam shrieked in pain, confused at what just happened. That was the most noise in the infinite room there probably ever has been, and Liam's breath turned shallow after.

"A soul for a soul." Death whispered as he examine the ball of white light in his palm, and Liam collapsed to the floor as he wondered what he could possibly mean. His shirt was wet from blood, sticking to his back.

A soul for a soul?

The next thing he knows, he's standing in the infinite room again. His bloody black shirt has been replaced with a white one, and this time he can't recall a purpose of him standing there. He scratched at the scar on the back if his neck, just under his scalp, before he heard slow footsteps approach.

"Hello?" a deep voice asked, a few steps away from him. Then the same voice whispered, Liam?... No, it can't be..

"Are you alright, mate? What's your name? The guy asked, gently touching his shoulder blade, fingers sliding softly across his scar.

He turned around slowly, to the boy who should be familiar but wasn't.

"W-who are you? What's your name?"

He lifted his head gently, a maniacal grin spread across his face. His eyes took in the raven haired boy in front it him, unable to place a name to the face. The wide hazel eyes stared back, with a mixture of fear and recognition.

"Death." He said, face screwed up as if something was funny.

"I need you for him. He needs you, you are the key to rule the soulless. You are the key." He lunged for his neck, just under his scalp, slicing right through an inked feather.


Hui guise. I updated a while ago but apparently it never posted???? but it says published so uh wattpad get your shit together, meanies!

sorry about that, did ya like this one? are you confused? let me know, I'll answer any questions!

Lots of love, please don't forget to vote comment follow, the lot. Kisses

Update: this was a fail, it was a mutated creation of my twisted, half asleep brain. Disregard this one shot. x

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2014 ⏰

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