The Truffula Trees

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Onceler POV

I got ontop of my mule and started my journey to find the perfect material for my thneed, a couple hours had passed and I got bored so I started playing my guitar.

"Na na na na naa"

Soon night fall hit and I went to sleep in the back of the carriage.

I got woken up by a bear dog?
It was starring at me so I freaked out out and came out of the carriage to find more of the dog bears, fish and some ducks.

They all were looking at me weirdly and one of the bear dogs pointed at my guitar, I picked it up and started playing it.

"Na na na na naa"

Once I finished the song I got the chance to look around, I saw the perfect material for my thneed. It was on top of a tree, it was soft and came in different colors. It was perfect.

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