Diamond Blue.

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Onceler POV,

I got woken up to the sound of rushing water, when I opened my eyes I saw pip' squeek.

I was lying in my bed but when I got up I was in the middle of a river.

I saw the Lorax and started to freak out, I grabbed onto Pip and held him as we went down the waterfall. We both sighed in relief because it had ended. but we saw another bigger waterfall ahead and started to freak out again.

The Lorax threw a big rock onto my bed and sent us flying torwards the other way of the waterfall.

I hugged him for saving me then I thought 'how did I get in the river?' so I asked.

He did it of course.

He asked me to promise not to cut down anymore trees and explained why.

So I did promise not to cut them down anymore.

I went to fo find my bed, as I was looking I saw this gorgeous tree. It wasn't like the others it was more fluffier and the color was a beautiful diamond blue.

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