How He Asks You Out (2)

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10th Doctor:

After the incident with the Angels, he asked you to travel with him. He showed you the box- The TARDIS- he had arrived in. Showed you what it did, how it worked . . . he showed you everything. You were amazed by the simple fact that it was bigger on the inside, let alone it could time travel.

He asked you that night if you'd like to travel with him. "Through space and time," as he put it. Of course, you accepted his offer, still in a completely baffled stupour.

-Seven months later-

You sat in the TARDIS control room, reading a book quietly while the Doctor piloted the time-traveling box. He would look up at you over the panel occasionally, but quickly look back down when you met his gaze. It was driving you absolutely crazy.

"Doctor?" You called as you put down your book and sat up straighter. "What's wrong?" He only looked at you, confused, tracing your features with his eyes.

"Nothing wrong with me, (Y/N)," he lied amd looked back to the TARDIS.

"You're lying."

He didn't look at you, just so a scratched his head and said, "Nope. Not lying. No lying here," slowly.

You stood up, walking over to him. You looked up at (A/N: Unless your tall like me) and put your hand on his to stop him from working. "Yes. You are lying. There is lying here," you mimick. He stared at your hand for, what felt like, forever. He looked into your eyes, thinking hard.

You looked back into his brown eyes, slightly concerned. Your eyes darted over his face and body as you became increasingly confused.

After a while he straightened his posture, huffing and saying quickly, "Oh for Christ's sake- (Y/N), would you go on a date with me?"

(F/F) = Favourite Flower

11th Doctor:

"Y-You're the Doctor," you stay shakily, staring at him in shock. He cocked his eyebrow at you questionably.

"Yes . . . How do you know that?" He placed his hand on the doorway of the TARDIS, hovering above you.

"You're not real. You're a character. A fictional character."

He looked himself up and down, as if checking to be sure he was really there. "Last time I checked, I was real- Wait! Did you just say I was fictional? That's just rude, you know?"

"You're a television character."

"No. I'm not."

"Yes. You are."


It went on like that for a while, before he finally pulled you inside the TARDIS to show you how real it was.

-Six months later-

You sat in the TARDIS library, reading and drinking some tea. The Doctor didn't tell you where (or when) he was going, just told you to stay still and wait for him to return. You wanted to protest, but knew there was no arguing with him, especially when he was like this.

You were enjoying the quiet, though. It was a nice break from his constant rambling on about God knows what. You'd learned to just tune him out, sparing you from a terrible headache. He was cute when he talked about something that interested him, though.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash and a yelp from the control room. "I'm fine! Stay in there, (Y/N)!" You heard the Doctor shout as he returned. You laughed softly, pretending to be uninterested as you heard his footsteps getting closer.

He came up behind you, placing his hands over your eyes and saying, "I've got a surprise for you . . . So, no peaking!" You laughed, standing and letting him gide you to where this "surprise" was.

He took his hands away, but warned you to keep your eyes closed. He left the room momentarily, standing I front of you when he came back in. He put a smug look on his face, trying his best not to look nervous. "Open you eyes."

As you did, you say him standing in front to of you with a large bouquet of (F/F). You looked up at him as he handed them to you. "They're the first (F/F) that ever bloomed. It took a while to get them, they were protected by an alien race that didn't like me very much. Once I explained why I needed them, they were nicer, though. Good aliens. Very charitable . . ." He rambled on, making you sigh and chuckle softly. "I'm doing it again, aren't I?" He smiled.

He took another deep breath before saying, "(Y/N), I think you're brilliant. You're beautiful, kind, funny, nice, amazing," he was listing way too many adjectives, letting you know how nervous he was about this. You placed your hand on his arm and smiled comfortingly. "What I mean is . . . you're absolutely perfect. We met in a strange way, and it just keeps getting stranger. In all my time, I've never felt like this about anyone."

He smiled soflty, looking at you with loving eyes. "(Y/N)? Would you like to be my Timelady?"

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