Human happy tree friends boyfriend scenarios

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You were walking in town do your thing whistling whereever you went , only you weren't paying attention to what was going on the road until you heard the honking of cars and schreeching coming towards you , you immediately froze and wouldn't move in the background you could here people shouting "splendid " in the corner of your eye you saw a blue blur coming towards you and sweeping you up bridal style and saving you, you: t-thanks , splendid: anything for a beautiful girl like you, you: blushes " thanks how can I ever repay you, splendid: be mine " slams lips on yours " , you: " nods and blushes"

Flippy: you were walking downtown with your pet duck momo( cool people have ducks) when you see and guy with green hair wearing a militaryK uniform on the ground passed out , you being caring went over to him and shook him awake gently , his eyes fluttered open and met yours and you blushed, you: who are you and why are you passed out on the ground, him: I'm flippy and my counter part escaped " he sits up" , you: well I'm y/n and is there anything I can do for you , flippy: be mine I've seen you alot before and I love you, you: " blushes " ok " feels something soft bump your hand you look down and see momo" , flippy: oh cool duck I have one his name is Fred, you" smiled"

Fliqpy: you were looking everywhere for your memo friend nightmare( me) when you get tackled in the middle of searching, you: what the hell get the heck off of me " tries to push him off" , him: if I were you I'd watch your tone with me babe" smirks evilly and puts blade up to your neck, you: ph shut up" kicks him off of you and pins him" noone tells me what to do go it" gets up to leave when feels a grip on her wrist" , fliqpy: well aint you feisty and smokin" checks you out" , you : ewww perv " blushes" , fliqpy: "smirks" you know I don't think I'm letting you leave me anytime soon ,your mine now got it" tightens

grip on you" , you" sighs " fine, fliqpy: good girl now" smashes lips on yours " , you:" kisses


Me:" up in a tree acting like a ninja : ewww boy cooties " teleports home".

Nutty: you were heading to my house for a sleepover along with another girl but she's already there , but on your way there you see this guy with bright green hair bawling over a broken lolipop , you being caring went over to him and tapped his shoulder he turns around, you: want me to buy you another one" smiles lightly" , him: " his eyes widen and he smiles while nodding very fast" yes , yes , yes please, you : ok come on " goggles and drags him to the store where you buy him lots of candy" , him: I'm nutty and your mine now candy dealer, you: " nods and smiles" well I'll see you tomorrow " walks away".

Splendontt : you were going over to my house for a sleepover when you see a guy on a bench cursing and talking to himself, you being curious went over to talk to him but right when you got there he was gone , you: hmmm wonder where he went , it took you awhile to get to my house but you got there and found me sleeping in a tree , you: nightmare what are you doing up there " you shout" , me: GAH! Oh it's you I thought you were ( fliqpys girlfriends name, not flaky) and where have you been young lady your past curfew " scolds you playfully" , you" rolls eyes and laughs" sorry i saw this red headed guy cursing and talking to himself on a bench but when I got there he was gone, you"gasps and jumps out of the tree and drags you inside" I know who it is, SPLENDONTT WERE YOU AT THE PARK , splendontt: yes I wAs and you don't have to scream " comes out of room and eyes lock onto your then he smirks and walks toward you", you: h-hey " blushes and looks away " , splendontt: bitch ( not to be mean) your mine now, you: w-what " eyes widen" , me: that's rude she is not a bitch " says sassily" splendontt" rolls eyes" it means she's mine and noone elses and nightmare your a mean sassy bitch , me" gasps then slaps him hard " I am not , you " giggles" ok and I guess I love you , splendontt " smirks and winces alittle" yep and I love you to.

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