He gets jealous

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splendid: you and him were at the park playing hide and go seek and while you were hiding you accidentally bump into a childhood friend , him: y/n I-is t-that y-you, you: h/n( his name ) where have you been " smiles "

, him: um places " smiles nervously" hey um y-y/n would you like to go on a date with me , you were going to speak but a certain voice beat you to it, splendid: sorry dude but this cuties mine, you: umm splendid honey h/n is gay and he was asking if me and you would like to go on a date with him and his boyfriend , him: y-yea b-bro , splendid:" smiles" oh sorry and I wouldn't mind you seem cool , him: it's alright and thanks" smiles" well I have to go and it was nice to see you again y/n " smiles and runs off" , you and splendid stood silent for awhile until he spoke up, splendid: y/n I'm sorry I guess I got jealous, you: babe it's alright" smiles then giggles" it was cute, splendid: s-shut up" blushes".

Flippy: you and him were at the mall and he left for a second and when he did a guy that was very creepy sat next to you , him: hey sexy what you doin here all alone, you: oh I'm not alone my boyfriend went to go get something " smiles nervously and you slide away from him" , him: I don't see hi-, flippy: hey leave her alone " he interupts the man " , him: what who are you , you: that's my boyfriend , flippy: yes I am and I want you to leave now or you'll be meeting my fist " glares at the man", him: ok ok no need to get violent" gets up and runs off" , you : aww flippy that was so cute " kisses his cheek" your my hero , flippy: " blushes" t-thanks and anything for you( sorry if it was short fliqpys is going to be to).

Fliqpy: ok guys do I really have to tell you what he did he isnt called a killer for nothing.but if you want to really know ask me In the comments and I will surely have him answer you .^)

Nutty: you and him were at the candy shop for what .....CANDY of course only you saw this guy sitting alone in a corner crying you being upset by this walked over and hugged him( I know it's weird but I did this before) he was startled and so was nutty and he was very jealous it was supposed to be him that got all your affection not anyone else , you: h-hey w-what's w-wrong , him: I can't get candy because I don't have any money , nutty : well I guess we could buy you some r-right y/n, you: of course we can " smiles", him: y-you guys don't ha-, you: no no please let us " does puppy eyes" , him: o-ok , so after you bought him candy the guy thanked you both and kissed your cheek that's when nutty snapped ...no not like flippy snap the bf and gf snap , nutty: ok you can leave NOW " growls" , him: o-ok bye " runs off" , you: nutty that was very rude of you" scolds " , nutty: I'm sorry but your my candy dealer not his" pouts " , you: awwww nutty you were jealous " pecks his cheek" I only have eyes for you nutty and only you ok, nutty : good and you missed" smiles", you: I did didnt I" kisses his lips" better , nutty: better.

Splendontt : you were at my house again ( YAY) only you were spending more time with me rather than splendontt and he was getting jelly and when I went to go to my closet he stormed in and picked you up and ran to his room, you: WHAT THE SPLENDONTT PUT ME DOWN " you pound your fists into his back ", splendontt: hmm what about NO " smirks and plops you onto his bed and sits next to you" , you: splendontt why did you bring me in here " you whine" , him: because I am your boyfriend not her " shouts" , you: umm first of all nightmares a girl so she can't be my boyfriend and second babe you are so jealous " laughs ", him: s-shut u-up " kisses you" , you: ok I will" kisses back".

Me: hmmm where did she go did she ditch me that jerk no what fine I'll go bug ( fliqpys girlfriends name) " jumps out window and runs to her house like a frickin boss"

Well how was that please comment me on this I don't know if I'm doing well and I'm new to this so please.

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