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Frank's pov

"Gee baby?" I said softly as I tucked some of his hair behind his ear. He let out a soft huff as he slowly opened his sleepy eyes. "Are you  feeling okay?" I asked in concern. His eyes were almost bloodshot and he was shaking uncontrollably.

"I-I don't feel so g-good." He mumbled softly as he shakily sat up. His body swaying a bit.

"Hey sweetheart, lay back down." I said, gently pushing him back down into bed.

"C-can you c-call Mikey?" He whimpered as he wrapped his arms around himself.

"Sure, honey." I said as I got up and hurried into the living room where Gerard phone was. Opening it I dialed Mikey's number and waited as it rang.

"Hey, Gee." Mikey greeted happily on the other end.

"Hey Mikey, it's Frank, Gerard wanted me to call you, he looks really sick." I said as I walked into the bed where Gerard was laying on his side. A pillow hugged tightly to his chest.

"On my way, does he have a cold sweat or has he thrown up at all?" Mikey asked. I reached my hand out and touched Gerard forehead. He was cold and sweaty.

"He has a cold sweat, he's shaking, and his eyes are red." I said, Mikey gasped loudly.

"Okay, I'll be there in a few with Pete. Don't let Gerard out of the apartment." Mikey said, I heard him talking to Pete before putting the phone back up to his ear.

"He's not getting out of bed in this condition." I assured.

"Just please keep an eye on him. See you soon." Mikey said before handing the phone up.

Sighing softly I knelt down so I was face to face with Gerard. His eyes shut as he breathed in small little gasps. His pale skin even paler than normal and a thin layer of sweat plastered his hair to his forehead.

"F-Frankie?" He whimpered, opening one of his eyes. The greenish brown color of his eyes were a thin ring around the black of his pupil. The whites of his eyes were now normal color again.

"I'm right here, Mikey and Pete are on their way." I said softly as I ran my hand through his hair.

"M-my Frankie..."

"Yeah Gee."

"My Frankie." He said again, more firmly this time as he stared at me intensely.

"Are you okay, Gerard?" I asked, panic rising in me as I watched his pupils turn into slits like a cat. "Gee?"

Gerard didn't answer me as he slowly sat up, stretching luxuriously before standing up. His eyes never leaving mine as he stalked closer.

"Gerard, you're scaring me." I said, stepping back as he walked forward. His eyes scanning over me before locking with mine. A low growled rumbled throughout Gerard as he ran at me. I braced myself as he ran right into my chest, pushing me back a bit.

"Frank?! Gerard?!" Mikey called from what sounded like the kitchen or hall.

"I-In here!" I called as I picked Gerard up and got him on the bed. He thrashed around in my arms as I held him down. Growling and whimpering as Mikey and Pete walked in.

"Fuck, okay... Frank you need to leave the room. I got this." Mikey said, Pete came in with a black bag.

"What the fuck is happening?" I asked, Gerard stopped thrashing but was still growling loudly.

"I can't... We can't tell you that." Mikey said as he looked at Pete.

"Gerard's my fucking boyfriend, you should be able to tell me." I said, a little hurt that they wouldn't tell me what was going on. "Fuck!" I yelled as Gerard bit my hand. I pulled my hand back making him let go of me. My grip on Gerard loosened enough for him to thrash out of my grasp.

"Pete, get Frank out of here." Mikey said as Gerard crouched down. His eyes still locked on me as Pete pushed me out of the room. The door slamming as Mikey shut and locked the door.

"I'm sorry, Frank." Pete sighed, we stood outside of the door.

I heard a lot of noise, growling, and potentially stuff breaking. Then everything when silent besides so heavy breathing.

"Pete?" Mikey called. "Open up the door, slowly."

Pete did what Mikey asked, my breath stopped as I looked at the destination in the room. My eyes finally landing on Mikey and Gerard on the ground. Mikey was on Gerard back as he tried clawing his way out from under Mikey.

"Get the case." Mikey said, pinning Gerard's wrists to the floor. Gerard looked up at me, his eyes wide with panic as he started to whimper.

"F-Frankie!" He wailed tears welling in his eyes as he begged me.

"Get the fuck off of him, you're hurting him." I said, pushing Mikey off of Gerard who isn't got up and clung to my side. His head pressed into the crook of my neck.

"We need to sedate him before things get out of hand. This hasn't happened since he was younger." Mikey said, pulling a dart gun out of the bag. "Please Frank, I need to do this." He said as he pointed the gun at Gerard who hid behind me.

"You can't fucking do that to Gerard, he's just hallucinating because he's dehydrated." I said sternly.

"You don't understand, Frank, Gerard is going to hurt someone if we don't give him this medicine." Mikey said, I felt Gerard's hold on my tighten.

"Gerard wouldn't hurt anyone and you're scaring him." I protested, I didn't noticed Pete coming up before us as he grabbed Gerard making him growl.

"Shoot him!" Pete yelled, I spun around and was about to go for Gerard when something happened.

Gerard was growing in size, brown hair popping out from his skin. Claws extending from his hands and his mouth started growing into a muzzle.

"Get back, Frank." Mikey said as he pointed the gun at the giant grizzly bear now standing in the middle of the bedroom. Pete was now backed against the wall near the open door. "Step away slowly." Mikey said.

I slowly started walking backwards until I was near the dresser. My back against the wall as I tried calming myself down.

"Gerard, it's me, Mikey." Mikey said softly, the bear that was my boyfriend stared at him with black eyes. His lips pulled back as he growled.

"G-Gerard?" I said shakily, he looked at me with the same stare. This isn't Gerard.

"Slowly walk to the door. Don't make any sudden moves." Mikey said, I did what he said. Gerard didn't look away from me the whole time. Beads of sweat slid down my face as I finally got to the door and stepped into the hallway.

Gerard took a step toward me, his shoulders were way to big to get through the doorway as he tried following me. A soft click filled the room before Gerard growled with anger.

Mikey shot him with the dart while he wasn't looking. Gerard turned and charged at Mikey who slid over the bed and bolted out the door followed by Pete. Slamming the door shut we all retreated to the living room.

"Can someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?" I snapped, my head slipping with so many questions.

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