Chapter 16

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Frank's pov

"Gerard! What did you do to him?!" I cried, seeing Gerard tied down with chains and ropes, blood surrounding him, painting the walls a sickly red color.

"Frank, please, you need to get out of here! He's breaking free!" Kellin yelled, locking the cage Gerard was in. He was a massive grizzly bear, bigger than any I've ever seen. Drool dripping from his large muzzle, white teeth, razor sharp claws, it was terrifying to say the least.

"Give him the sedative! Get them out of here!" Patrick ordered, running forward with what looked like a dart gun of some sorts.

"I can help!" I protested as both Vic and Kellin began dragging me back. "Please, I love him, he'll listen to me!"

"It's too late for that! He's fine feral, he'll kill us all if he gets loose!" Patrick snapped, aiming at Gerard with the dart gun. Gerard let out a loud growl as he fought harder against his restraints, with a rawr that shook the whole room around us everything holding him back broke with loud snaps.

"Go!" Vic yelled, pushing me to the stairs and ran back to Patrick who shot the dart gun. Gerard's massive paw swiped the dart out of the air, shattering it.

"Fuck! Frank, please, take the others and go!" Patrick yelled, pushing Vic away and began loading the gun again. Gerard threw himself at the bars of the cage, making the iron bars bend under the force. "Go! Before it's too late!"

"I'm not leaving, here, take the keys and go!" I told Vic who looking at Patrick with wide, fearful eyes.

"Just go!" Patrick yelled, Kellin and Vic running up the stairs, slamming the door behind them.

"What can I do?" I asked, panicking as one bar broke.

"Take this and if he comes for you, run." Patrick said, getting another dart and fired, Gerard knocking that one out of the air as well. "Damn it!"

"Gerard, please stop, it's me, Frank." I said, trying to get him to stop, to listen to me.

Gerard only growled and rammed into the bars again, snapping some more of them. I held the gun Patrick gave me close to my chest, hoping that I wouldn't have to use it.

"Please listen to me! I love you, Gerard, this isn't you!" I cried, watching him continue to ram into the bars, another rawr rumbled deep inside of him.

"We have to leave." Patrick said, taking me by the arm and began to run up the stairs. I let him pull me with him until we were out of the house and down the path leading away from there.

"What about Gerard?!" I said as we ran, the sound of the door to the house breaking made us run even faster.

"I have friends who'll take him away, we have to keep moving, he's coming!" Patrick said. I could see the car parked up the path, still far away.

I could feel the ground shake and when I glanced over my shoulder it made my heart stop. Gerard was racing towards us, full speed down the path.

"Fuck! He's right there!" I yelled, trying to run faster, Patrick a few feet ahead of me.

As we ran I glanced back again, this time Gerard was a wolf, fur blowing in the wind as he gained on us, eyes focused on me. My heart pounding in my chest as I looked back at the car, still so far away.

"Come on, Frank!" Patrick yelled, shooting at Gerard and missing.

Fuck!" I cried out as I tripped, rolling in the dirt and laid there in shock. My head hit the ground pretty hard making my vision go black for a few moments before it confused in again. My ears ringing and my lungs trying to draw in air that didn't seem to be enough no matter how hard I tried to breathe.

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