Chapter 1

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Oceanic Crashed, And I Survived

By J.L. Wright

Chapter 1

    "Welcome to a new kind of tension, all across the alien nation. Where everything isn't meant to be okay," I sang along.

      Having both headphones in, and my music volume up really loud, I couldn't really hear anything, and I definitely could not hear my aunt telling me to be quiet. 

      "Television dreams of tomorrow, we are the not the ones who're meant to follow."

       "Angel," My aunt called. 

       "For that's enough to argue." 

       "Angel!" She called again. I started stomping my feet to the beat and pretended to play the drums, which I could play. 

       "Don't want to be an American idiot, one nation controlled by the media." 

        "Angel!" My aunt continued. 

        "Information age of hysteria, it's call out to idiot america!" 

        "Angel!" My aunt hollered and poked my shoulder. I took one earphone out and looked at her. "What?" "We're boarding the plane, come on," She explained grabbing her suitcase and carry on.

     I snatched my suitcase and put my iPod nano in the pocket of my jeans. As I pulled my suitcase I looked out the window of the airport. I looked at the planes landing and taking off. It would be pretty cool to fly a plane. I looked at the plane I was going to board. L.A., here I come. My aunt and I walked to the gate and showed the lady at a small desk our tickets. She nodded and we walked on the gate. 

    Green Day's American Idiot ended and Three Days Grace's Let Me Down came on. I looked at the walls of the gate as we walked. They were a light shade of grey. We got on the plane and the flight attendant asked to see our tickets. My aunt showed her our tickets and she told us where our seats were. My seat was 6D. 

    My aunt walked briskly to our seats and put her bags up in the storage compartment. "I'll be right back Angel, I'm just going to the lavatory," She spoke. I nodded and lifted my bags up over my head. My wrist collapsed and the bag fell. "May I help?" A handsome boy asked me. I nodded and stepped back. He was wearing a tan jacket and dark jeans. His hair was slightly messy but nevertheless still beautiful. I'm honestly a sucker for guys with messy hair flipped off to one side. He placed my two bags in a compartment that already had two suitcases with tags that read, 'Boone Carlyle' and 'Shannon Rutherford'. He turned at looked at me. "I'm Boone by the way,"  He said. "Angel," I explained. "Well Angel, how about I come sit with you half way through the flight and we can get to know each other," He suggested. I bit my lip and nodded. Stop! Stop! Play hard to get. "Yeah cool." I crossed my arms and leaned against a seat. "Okay," He chuckled, "6D?" "6D," I confirmed. I felt a small smile form on my face. He grinned and sat down a few rows behind my seat with a girl who was either his sister or girlfriend or friend. 

    I sat down in my seat and pulled out my iPod. I went through my playlist to find a song by Linkin Park. I kept scrolling and scrolling and I finally found one. 'Numb'. I pushed the play button and put the other earphone in. I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes. Better sleep considering the flight was around 15 hours. I didn't know exactly how long it was cause I never really pay attention to anything anyone says to me but I just recall my aunt saying 15 hours when we had lunch before we boarded the plane. 

    I felt a bit of wind blow by me. I opened my eyes to find my aunt waiting for me to let her pass by me so she can sit down. Lucky for her she got the window seat. She called it in the cab. There was a empty seat on the left side of me and I was praying that someone wouldn't sit there so Boone could sit there. I moved my feet so my aunt could get by. My aunt pulled out her cell phone and called her husband. 

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