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Let's start simple. The Fumplers are funny folk to say the least, they are a bit taller than your average gnome, but are completely covered in fur which hangs over their eyes, though they can still see perfectly well. The colour of their fur differs on the family and seasons, usually becoming lighter in winter and richer in summer. They are physically human-like, though they do not have any spoken language, instead they communicate by stomping their feet, creating a fump sound, in a way similar to Morse code. They can be found almost everywhere, but they are more common in Europe and East Asia.

These guys love antique knickknacks, and I mean anything that's over 75 years old. They extremely quick and intelligent, willing to do anything to get a new prize. And I do mean anything. They will go from simply robbing it from someone's house to slaughtering an entire city to get just one antique.

Now as dangerous as they are trying to get their antiques, they are much more dangerous when they have their possessions taken from them. They will follow you to the ends of the world, not stopping until they have their precious back and you are dead, so next time you see a pile artifacts or antiques of any kind, just leave it be and walk away before you're caught by these little creatures.

More information about them may be added later.

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